Quick question about a hoof injury! (UPDATE from good vet)

sounds like cellulitis to me,if it is stocked up and he is not lame…means that perhaps infection entered at the puncture site and migrated into the tissues. Will got this last august, and it seems to happen every time now.
Interestingly, the first vet didn’t treat Will’s properly-he hosed and iced and wrapped…duh. I called in vet number two and we got antibiotics and knocked it down.

I would at least soak it again and wrap the hoof to keep it clean if I were you…until the next vet can come look at it (this is an “if I were you” kind of thing)…jmho

“Perfect practice makes perfect.”

AH!!! My regular vet just called and told me to do all the things you guys have been saying. Soak in Epsom salts and betadine, keep really clean, wrap with ichthamol.

I am so pissed at this other vet. I am definitely NOT paying him for anything. If my horse gets really infected or something it will totally be his fault for not doing ANYTHING and leaving his foot IN THE DIRT.

I am going over there RIGHT NOW to take care of my poor horse.

Bowed tendon: 42 days down, minimum 18 days to go.

As far as how much Epsoms to water, I keep pouring Espoms in until it starts to not dissolve anymore - then you have saturated water. Ditto to the temp thing - hot when you start.

Jeez, everyone lay off!

Chanda as we all know is a caring horse owner who puts Chase’s welfare first. I don’t think she did anything life threatening, or for that matter, any different from what the majority of horse owners would do.

I don’t think there is a single person out there who has not questioned their instincts when faced with a professional opinion that is different than what they would do (and, I’m sure out there there is a thread called “I hate people who second-guess their vet”). It has happened to me in my OWN health care.

Those of you who possess super-human resolve and an instinct for diagnosis that excedes that of professional veterinarians, I applaud you.

Everyone else, lay off Chanda!

Enough! Let it go. For crying out loud, if lynching was permitted, it would be prevelent on this bb.

From the posts I have read written by Chanda, she is a very nice, knowledgeable HUMAN BEING!

I happily share what I know with hopes that someone/anyone benefits. At no time (except one time which need not be mentioned) have I personally attacked anyone. I DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT! Nobody does.

The day we stop listening and taking advice is the day we become a loser.