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Remove cat odour from apartment

There are paints that are formulated to neutralize cat odors. I remember one used to advertise in the back pages of Catster magazine, g.


Check this out;

I have used Pooph and OdoBan. They sorta remove the scent. Natureā€™s Miracle was a total waste of money and time. I have had the best luck with Angry Orange Odor remover.

Many years ago we had to paint the subfloor in the corner of a bedroom. Kilz didnā€™t help. Only an oil based paint did the trick. We lucked out and got a cheap mis-tinted color in bright pink. I always wondered what the future owners thought about why only that corner of the floor was pink under the carpet.

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surprised no one has suggest or mentioned Baking Soda

  • Pour a few inches of baking soda into shallow bowls and leave them uncovered around the odorous rooms of the house for a few days . Baking soda is great for absorbing the smells, but it doesnā€™t happen instantly. -Combine with vinegar and use it in lieu of soapy water to scrub down particularly odorous surfaces.

If you have to paint I recommend Glade paint scent additive, in Lavender.
We had to Reno/renew a rental of my MILs years ago that was filthy, but also STUNK.

Adding this small container to a gallon of paint was miraculous, and the Lavender was not noxious to me, and most scents are.
I get it via Amazon, for under $10 I believe

In my experience baking soda works for odors a lot less pungent or persistent as cat urine

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