We got away with the natural fly sprays last year, but this year they all cause chemical burns. There must be an essential oil or two he’s allergic to, but I haven’t been able to isolate it. Or, he was in such a state of hypersensitivity that he was just reacting to everything. But after 10 weeks of skin crud and and various fungal issues brought on by the first round of natural fly spray burns (or so my vet suspects), his skin is looking decent. I’m not going to even spot check anything at this point. If I fly spray my mini and he rubs his face against him before the fly spray dries, he ends up with peeling skin all over his muzzle. So I rarely spray my mini now either (anyone need fly spray? Lol).
We were at the point that he’d be fine one week with something (ie: microtek or a certain mild shampoo) and the next week he’d react to a safe product. We’re going to allergy test before next spring/summer because we don’t want to repeat this year.