Riding When You Are on Disability

Oh WOW !!!

I cannot believe all this. Being disable and being invalid are 2 different things for god sake !
In my first year of battling cancer, I did return back to work. I did ride when I was able to.
I inform my insurance company about what I can do and what I cannot do…

I can tell you working all day and riding 1 hour does not take the same energy, dos not request the same concentration…My godness !!!

COTH put up this section especially for all of us who look for other ways to ride, for improvement of our skills and how to deal with our disabilities. It felt good to me to realise how many people are experiencing so many issues and I was no alone.
At least we have a place to talk about our riding issues while being disable…Not Invalid…being disable is enough…

And for the ones who said if you ride you should be working…this is so cheap shot !

I still don’t get why everyone is getting so upset. All that was said was if you can ride you can work, and that is the way the insurance company will look at it. Not that we look at it that way. No one is trying to take a cheap shot at anyone, everyone on here would probably trade anything to be back to normal and be able to work and ride, ride being the most important thing : ) I know I would.


Insurance company always ask what you can do while disable…Can you do your grocery, cleaning, how many hours can you go…Mine has asked anyway.

I am among the one that would trade for health anytime. I believe we do what we can but this is not true that you may ride 3 hours a week, you are supposed to be able to work 35-40 hours a week. This is really different. So this is why I got upset.

Every answere all of my friends have gotten from their insurance companies is if you can ride you can work. I know it does not work that way (that you can ride you can work) but that is how I know a lot of people have gotten in trouble. Heck with me being on IV meds, when we were trying to get my insurance company to pay for it they were saying I was going to be homebound because a nurse came out 1x a week, and that meant I couldn’t even go for walks on my good days or be driven to visit people. I guess my post came off wrong. You just need to be careful with your insurance companay and even more careful if you are on say Medicade or Medicare. I wish I could ride 3 hrs a week. I would give anything for that. But I am hopeful by fall I will be let back on a horse (and this is from my doctor, my insurance isn’t paying for any of the treatment that is now taking me from a person who could hardly walk to one that can power walk and a few times a week and give a lesson here and there)

GQ, medical insurance is VERY different than disability insurance. Just because your health insurance won’t pay for your meds, that really has nothing to do with disability insurance. they are two completely different policies, and most people have them through two very different companies (many health insurance providers don’t write disability coverage).

I’m not saying you are not in a state of being disabled. I’m sure your condition takes a lot out of you. But every policy is different. My disability policy would consider you disabled,and would pay benefits because your boss would not want you working in your condition, just like I’m sure your doctor doesn’t. With the economy the way it is, you could make a very good case for SS disability too (though in the 4 years it would take to have your case heard, you will hopefully be back to your normal life).

Until you have dealt directly with private disability insurance, or have worked in insurance for years, this really isn’t something you can comment on. Private policies are COMPLETELY different than SS.

Ok. After this I am done commenting and am sticking to the lyme thread. Thank you for letting me know that.