freshman’s not wrong. In these situations I demote the rug to glamourize a porch or outside area and be done with the situation. I don’t even have rugs, I have one old cat that considers them flat litterboxes. He can’t live much longer (he’s 19) and then I might reintroduce rugs into my life.
Just went through this not long ago with a $500+ plush area rug. Tried many of the suggestions above and she just continued to pee there. Our entire living room smelled and we just HAD to get rid of it. Rolled it up (finding more spots than we even originally knew about ) and got rid of the thing. Left our living room with just bare hardwood for a month or so to hopefully break of her of the habit and bought a much thinner replacement rug. We have had no issues since! Was painful at first to scrap and replace but SO worth it. Vet said sometimes when it’s behavioral this is really the only way…