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Saddle Fitting ? Cantle seems laterally unstable

Fitter thinks the upswept panels are the best match of their options to my horse. All of the saddles I’m trialing with this fitter have upswept panels.

These remote fittings are tough, but I’m grateful that technology has made it easier!

I was bummed to here S&W went under. Patty does have a good reputation as do BC saddles. Just a tad out of my current budget for the models that seem most promising. I’m keeping a sharp eye out for a used one in the basic configuration I need. XW Vinici X in a 18.5 seat if anyone has one lying around

One slightly out of the box suggestion - Have you considered using a non-slip pad (Ecogold or similar) for your trials?

It won’t fix any fit issues but if the saddle is almost right and needs a flocking tweak or a billet placement change or a different girth it might help you isolate the issue.

Good luck!

I don’t have a non slip pad but I can try to lay my hands on one!

I adore saddle pads so not too much of a burden!

So I personally believe if I’m spending a crap ton on a expensive saddle custom fit to my horse then I shouldn’t have to use a no slip pad to keep it from rolling. I had a new saddle that rolled and I tried all sorts of things to make it fit while I was waiting on my fitter to come out, in the end I had it reflocked and had the adjustable tree changed and miracle of miracles all I need is a thin cotton pad now.

Making due with a saddle that fits reasonably well otherwise? Sure.

Some cheap saddle because I don’t know anything about saddle fitting and think cramming a bunch of risers under it makes it fit? Sure.


I hear you.

It’s been interesting to trial different saddles and see how they behave on my horse. The latest ones were a bit too wide. Before we tried one that was a bit too narrow. Before that we tried some that were too straight and too curvy. Too long. Starting to feel like Goldilocks over here hunting for something just right.

My sheepskin lined pad seems a wee bit less prone to slipping based on how the saddles behave when I’m doing up the girth. I like the concept of sheepskin against the horse’s skin. Looks cute too with its fluffy roll up front. At any rate, since that’s the pad style I want to use on the regular that’s what I’m using in trials. Fitter is aware.

I checked out the Ecogold non slip pads. They do look very nice. I’m not having any trouble with the pad moving so there is that. Fitter seems to think flocking adjustment and a narrower tree will do a lot for my current issues.

One saddle I tried slid forward onto my horse’s shoulders, too narrow was the final verdict on it. Pretty disappointing as it was a very nice saddle and if it was made in a wider width I would have purchased one. I was venting to a friend about it and they were like oh just put a crupper on and it won’t slide forward. :woman_facepalming:t2:

In my personal experience, correction pads like wither / seat risers destabilize the saddles. Even my shimmable half pad seems to destabilize saddles laterally. Might just be me and my horses but that’s my experience.

My retiree is using an old adjustable gullet Bates saddle I have with a wither riser pad on his quarterly walk hacks. I have to be super careful mounting up as it will slip sideways. More often his walk hacks are lead line pony rides for my young cousins. I hold the off stirrup when they mount to prevent slipping.

If I can ever get my main horse suitability equipped (without breaking the bank) I will move on to finding something that fits the retiree better as farrier would like to see retiree in a bit of light work and I’m not willing to work him more than his current occasional walks in an ill fitting saddle. Hopefully he’ll be less trouble to fit.

I’m certainly learning a lot about saddle fitting though! Guess that’s the silver lining.

Patty will do a virtual fitting for $75 and give you a million suggestions for models and configurations that you can go and source elsewhere. Her eye, even through video, is impeccable.

Also Ann Forrest at Equestrian Imports does a very good virtual fitting. She is very familiar with a variety of brands and also used saddles. Also an excellent eye and will not encourage you to buy something that doesn’t fit.

Sally Lossio gets a lot of used Vinicis. Worth keeping an eye on. She has a source in England who sends her stock so might be worth a reach out.

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Thank you for your input. If my next trial saddle isn’t a winner I will explore those fitters. Appreciate it!

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Is there any way at all you can haul to a fitter? I blew so much money in back and forth shipping and selling the wrong fitting saddles that when I finally had a fitter out with a pile of saddles I realized I should have done it a long time ago!

I’d basically have to haul to Ocala. 8 hrs one way. That’s a nope. Shipping the saddles back and forth isn’t too bad. Especially if the seller will arrange the return label so I get their business pricing.

There are a few brands that come here twice a year or so, Schleese, Custom, some of the French saddles. If I can’t find something in my current budget I might have save up and go for something spendier like that. Or get the local saddler to custom build me a western saddle and switch disciplines lol.

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I suppose the pic i put up doesn’t show it very well, but that cantle on that saddle fits nicely. And the other saddle, with the riser, fits nicely too. Well actually saddle fits my mare great without a riser, and with, it fits me too.

Nothing has to be expensive in order to work. It just has to work.

as far as the noslip pads go, as long as they aren’t in contact with the horse i guess they’re alright. Just don’t put them in direct contact with a horse’s body, they abrade.

it’s really too bad though that english saddle makers can’t find a way to do this. Surely the market is there. I suppose if the padding can be restuffed to make all the adjustments when muscling changes it doesn’t matter. But wouldn’t it be nice of the bones of the saddle were already sympathetic to the bones of the horse?

They do. Just not local to me or in my price point.


OH!!! Is there a company that will send out trees?
do they have a large variety?
what is that company called?
i wonder if there’s one that can actually like…computer print one…

i wonder if one day we’ll be able to have 3d xrays of our horses’ spines/ribs transformed into a formfit computer generated tree.

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This is why we go through saddle fitting. So the fitters can help us find the tree and panel configuration that fits our horse. If the tree doesn’t suit the horse, it doesn’t fit.

I’ve seen BC, Borne, Hennig and County saddles stamped built to tracings. I would expect many brands to offer that if none of their standard models were a match and a person was willing to pay the price. I’m not sure if COVID supply chain issues have put a pause on the more custom builds though as I’ve been advised that even standard models are taking a bit longer atm.

Even mid level brands, sub 5k, offer a variety of options in tree shape.

Lucky you and your horses fit in a $200 off the rack saddle and don’t need to go through the same exacting process that so many of us have to deal with.

I have worked on 3D scanning technology for this application, but it is not cost effective to have to render and print an individual tree or distribute the equipment at this time. The saddles would be at a price point that would not be popular in the market. Maybe in a few years as mobile scanning technology becomes more affordable.

ETA: I don’t know of any company that will send out trees to the consumer; some will provide a selection of trees to qualified fitters.



One of the saddle fitters that posts here has a bunch of bare trees. Perhaps they can explain why they don’t find it necessary to use bare trees in english saddle fitting.


isn’t it because of the flocking and reflocking as needed?
i’m fixated thinking of bone on bone

The basic shape of the tree still needs to be right for the horse’s back, no amount of flocking can make a wrong shape right.