I’m pretty certain I’ve had some thread conversations with a bunch of yall regarding some saddle fit issues and the topic of long tree points was brought up. I’ve lost track of what threads those conversations took place in so I’m starting this to gather a comprehensive list. Unfortunately the horse I was trying to solve ended up having debilitating neck issues and is being put to sleep next week; he was a lease from a good friend of mine. However, my personal horse has a topline that I think I need some help with.
He has a relatively high wither and atrophied trapezius. He’s never had much muscle in that area but I’m determined that I can fix it with conditioning and proper saddle fit. He can/has/will build over the rest of his topline, except his traps.
I’ve ridden in a handful of different CWDs and Volataires, currently a CWD with RT RG to accommodate his scapula. But I think his scapula isn’t held as close to his body because of the atrophy.
While his fit is my top priority, I must also consider how the saddle fits me. I don’t have any experience with non-French brands, so I’m ignorant as to how they are balanced. I ride in a SE01 2L and love the balance. My tendency is to shove my leg forward. So I would prefer something that has a stirrup bar far enough back to not encourage that, and a balance that keeps me forward in the seat. Mademoiselles do not agree with me and sit me on my pockets, and I get bogged down in them.
Full disclosure: I have an independent fitter that I will be working with, but I like to do my own research before hand. Also would like to know what price point to prepare for. I’m in the “moderately used high end brand” sort of budget. So I would strongly prefer a brand that has saddles to be found in the used market, or at least not in the “I need to start shaking it on the corner” type of price point.
Flood me with your ideas for the beast who needs to not skip “back day” at the gym, and me who resorts to defensive riding due to spending much time starting the greenies.