I’m sorry….
Oh, QM2 i’m so sorry… what happened??
A couple things.
I saw my mare in labor on camera so I went out to the barn to observe. Seemed normal presentation. I could see two front feet and occasionally the tip of a nose in the correct position.
After about 15 minutes it still wasn’t really progressing like I’d like.
So I helped pull the foal out. When the head started to come out more, I could see the velvet red of the placenta. It was an unusual red bag presentation. Vets all think that the foal broke through the placenta while passing through the cervix.
So, got a live colt out and placenta all at the same time. He proceeded to stand and try and buck me off while trying to hold him steady. He tried to nurse but couldn’t latch on really.
So we squeezed him while waiting for the vet. His breathing started to not look right and the vet came and tubed the colostrum in him and squeezed again in case we didn’t do it right but he just seemed to get progressively weaker.
We rushed him to NBC and they did CPR and tried to bring him back with no luck.
Necropsy showed that he had no or very low platelets and he developed a brain bleed.
Poor little guy didn’t stand a chance.
I finally got a colt who, to look at was perfect. It’s heartbreaking.
NBC said they’ve NEVER seen this before and we are probably looking at a new disorder. Could be that both parents have a recessive gene that would never be seen again. The only way to test it is to repeat the breeding and get the same result and they said and I wholeheartedly agree that
My only comfort is that my mare is fine and we have just bred her to another stallion (waiting 2 wks for preg check) and that I did nothing wrong and there was nothing that I or any of the vets could have done to save him.
Hug your new foals for me!
I’ve very sorry to hear that. Breeding has such highs and such lows.
May I ask the breed of the stallion and mare that resulted in this event?
Both welsh crosses.