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Safety vest under $300?

I keep hearing that various vest rules will be made… I haven’t seen a rule proposal, however. I don’t think we are in immediate jeopardy.


Canada has already passed it two years ago, UK did so this year. I would bet the US follows next year or the year after.

Racesafe’s website calls out the motion3 to BETA 2018, as well as the ProVent3 ('24),

Yes, mine is 2018.

This is the store I got mine from. I think I took advantage of a sale or a promo for first-time customers or something, and even with shipping it was much cheaper than buying one in the US.


I didn’t, they seem like they’d annoy me too much to justify the added protection

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Thank you!

Ovation was under that price, us and British certification


I think that’s just a typo on drillshed’s part- elsewhere in the description they say 2018 and the one I bought from them last summer is 2018 (just double checked at the barn). Worth shooting them a message to triple check, they have the best price on it that I found, esp with the 15% new customer discount (and free shipping to the US!)


Vest update: after falling down a google rabbit hole (as one does, you know) I ended up on the Charles Owen website looking at their vests. The outlyne aeromesh vests (I and II edition) are both discontinued and BETA 2018 certified. There was a size in the II that corresponded closely with my measurements so I bought it. $173 plus $25 shipping puts it well below my $300 goal.


Coming back to update that I received the vest in a very timely manner and it fits pretty darn well. It will likely have its maiden voyage on 4/27.


I bought shoulder guards for my racesafe motion 3. they don’t get in my way at all, barely notice them.

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