Serious lunging help!

From the above URL:

"Variant Spellings

Also lunge."

Either is correct. And in many countries “lunge” is more often used. I’d never heard of another spelling till I moved here in fact!

Vive la difference :wink:


Interestingly, I’m in the USA (there’s a Central America, South America, and North America, each with more than one country in them; “America” is not an appropriate term to reference the USA) and I’ve always used “lunge.”

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LOL On our news I am sure it is referred to America more than the USA. We have a saying here. ‘Only in America’. It is not a nice saying. This thread seems to show it as well though that America wanted to spell differently to the rest of the World.

Yeah that’s another instance of common usage, but even in the USA, citizens refer to this place as America.

To wit, a few song titles - I am pretty sure none of these songs encompass central and latin America?

American Woman - Lenny Kravitz
White America - Eminem
American Girl - Tom Petty
America - Neil Diamond
All-American Girl - Carrie Underwood
American Pie - Don McLean
American Kids - Kenny Chesney
American Idiot - Green Day
American Soldier - Kenny Chesney
Living in America - James Brown
America - Simon & Garfunkel
American Life - Madonna
God Bless America - Iriving Berlin

During the Olympics when the American athletes are on the screen. Their little bio that comes up says USA and on the scoreboard it says USA but the commentators will say America or American most of the time when talking about them.

I’m in the USA, as in I live in and am from the USA, born and raised in Ohio.
I am completely aware that our citizens commonly refer to it as America.
However, my point is that it is not correct, and many people from Central and South America find it incredibly insulting.

Well this thread got sidetracked!

I do agree that if the horse lunges (O the blasphemy!) well for others and not for the OP there is something going on with how the OP communicates with the horse. Some Haflingers can be pretty saintly, but others will take any advantage they can get. That said it is a matter of changing your body language to more effectively communicate with the horse.

It takes A LOT of negative interactions in order to get a horse to carry a grudge and actively dislike a person. I doubt she hates you, she just doesn’t see you as an effective leader worthy of obedience and respect. That said we don’t want to be tyrannical dictators, but fair and allowing for the horse’s limitations both physical and mental.

I’m 99% positive if the way you handle this mare changes she will change how she responds to you. As others suggested, taking cues and guideance from those who work well with her is a good first step. There has to be something in your body language and timing that she doesn’t understand.

Who feeds her, you or your husband? IME, haflingers are VERY food oriented. The way to their heart is through their stomach. They are also very smart and don’t like to do things they think are pointless. Going in circles at the end of a line is probably pointless in her view.

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1, Always wear gloves
2, Make sure the longeing caversson or halter fits correctly
3, Know what you are trying to accomplish with your longeing. (are you just chasing her around?)
4, Learn how to use your body language to keep her calm and confident.
5, Don’t ask for too much at the beginning

I’m sorry to hear that some on the posters have never had a horse “bond” with them. Once you have others horses are different.