Which style is like shapewear? I went to their website and was impressed with the variety. But it was impossible to find out which breeches were compression breeches.
I just sucked it up and bought a pair of Eques Pantes. I hope I love them.
The ones I have are “Empower” breeches and leggings. I don’t see either on the site anymore. I believe the “Define” leggings are closest, but I would reach out to them. They are very responsive to email in my experience, and helpful.
Thank you!!
I’d be sure to give shapewear a try before being at a show. I tried some shapewear, but found it waaay to consitricting - like I found it hard to breathe sometimes. They were supposedly the right size and the next size did nothing to flatten what I wanted.
I have four pairs of these (took advantage of sales) and I really like them, the best underwear for riding I’ve worn. Nothing pulls, tugs, pokes, or otherwise annoys me and they stay in place. They are smoothing, but not overly compressive. Of course, everyone is different and we all have varying preferences in breeches and that seems to affect underwear performance. But mine have worked really well for me under all my various breeches. Love them.
Have you looked at Esprit breeches? Their breeches are , and the “Pro” line is quite compressive, yet still UNDER $80https://espritequestrian.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyLGjBhDKARIsAFRNgW8hmhCJTEn5uaXIE-7p8M6TJOXMJhjVw4y7gJL5nJ78GKBzT5Wbn_AaApGbEALw_wcB
I was looking for this. Thank you. I actually use a waist high shaping leggings by Spanx during ride.