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She's here!

Lovey Lavender!

:purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Lovely mares :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
A Tip:
The builder put house-quality screens on my barn windows that are in the drylot .
R.I.P. screens in a couple months :smirk:
I put hardware cloth panels, screwed into the frames on the outside of the windows & no more destroyed screens.
You can sort if see here if you enlarge the pic:
(ignore duct tape, that was leftover from removing the broken glass storm windows)

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I merely cordoned off that side of the barnโ€“she was sufficiently spooked after hitting the electric fence that I wired over the windows that she wouldnโ€™t go near it.

Laavender is, for the most part, leading like a Real Horse these days, and is turned out with Belight.
Iโ€™m posting today because she let me put a fly mask on her!