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Should I be hot about this?

Now I see where you’re coming from.

The vet clinic absolutely did things wrong, and as I said in my first post:

Me in a boot too. Way to spend the summer,eh? Don’t irritate me at the moment!

This too shall pass.

I don’t understand your point re being angry at the vet’s office.

Whoever is on the phone at the vet’s office has to suffer your wrath, because you are uncomfortable with an injury?

How would the vet’s office know they should tippy-toe around you, until you feel better?

I get it that the injury makes everything in the world worse … for you. Not sure why that justifies the vet office being sucked into your misery pit.

Suppose you call the vet’s office to discuss your bill … and the person answering has a very uncomfortable, dismal injury, or maybe a bad cold but they can’t take off work even in these covid days, or maybe bad news about their mortgage being behind, and feels that therefore they can take it out on the next caller – you.