Shoulder bursitis or rotator cuff tear?

Great update.

Now, follow Drs orders and you will be ok in a bit.

I’ve had had both, as I have RA & Lupus, and Fibromyalgia. Pain is something I just live with to some degree all the time.

I didnt realize i had ruptured a ligament ligament in my shoulder. The only hint at an issue was the acute pain and slight sensation of weakness when lifting my arm. I likely did it in yoga as I’m very flexible, and without strength it’s easy to overextend and “slip” out. It’s been a chronic issues since 30 (I’m 35 next week.)

an x-ray can say a great deal, and it’s worth getting checked out since you are active and need that shoulder to mend one way or the other. Bursisitis and RC injury can easily mask as eachother- I know.