Shoulder injury recovery

A couple of years, literally, before all the pain was gone. Pain right after surgery is a bear. I think it was a couple of months before I could ride, and I took it easy for a while.

[QUOTE=not again;5609413]
Climbing over fence would definitely be a “maybe later” exercise. But cleaning bridles on the tack hook is definitely better than the pulleys at PT!. Worst chore for those of us allergic to house work: finding a pot lid in the back of the cupboard.:lol:[/QUOTE]

Right, I spent the past three days on a ladder, unscrewing the many bolts holding the plastic strips I put up for snow, to take them off for summer.
I was thinking the same, better than therapy rubber band exercises.:lol:

My operation was in April, they tell me I can ride in August.
That adds to more than two months and I didn’t need that much repair work done as some others.:frowning:

Being patient, being very patient, yes I am … :stuck_out_tongue:

As for reaching in high places, I have some of those “grabbers” in practically every room.

I’m going to meet with the surgeon this afternoon about my left shoulder.

Had a very extensive right shoulder repair - took me almost 2 years to get back to normal…just as I’m feeling good, the left shoulder starts to go. :mad:

I’ve been trying to suck it up, but I’m losing use of my arm, and even have weakness in my hand. Can’t wait any more.

I hope your visit goes well, although he probably will just send you for an MRI before he decides what to do next.:yes:

Comng back from a collarbone injury, happened last fall. I am middle aged, so I don’t heal as fast.

I have normal range of motion, but some days it hurts! Definitely not as much strength in that arm/shoulder as the other one.

You are right about dismounting, first time I got back on and then jumped off in my usual style the pain was amazing. Kept me off the horse for another month.

I have been debating about using a vest now, too. I am just lucky I wasn’t hurt any worse.

I also hate the permanent lump on my collarbone, makes me feel like a troll. I am really the only one who notices.

Full healing takes a long time, but the incremental steps allow you to get back to doing most things.

Good news - doc thinks it’s just bursitis. I got a cortisone injection and actually feel some relief already.

I go back in 2 months for a check up - fingers crossed that’s all I need!

Good news - doc thinks it’s just bursitis. I got a cortisone injection and actually feel some relief already.

I go back in 2 months for a check up - fingers crossed that’s all I need![/QUOTE]

Wonderful, that would be an easy way to get better, without surgery.
They injected mine and it didn’t help, so surgery it was.
If your injection is working, that is a good sign.:slight_smile: