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Showing out of your trailer: ideas to prepare or just do it

My first trailer was a 2h slant and it was (still is!) great for one horse. I tied the divider open so my big horse had more room, opened the drop window and pulled the hay bag outside. My horse loved hanging his head out, watching the world go by while he munched hay. I usually left the ramp down, just the butt strap across, so there was decent air flow.

I had a three horse slant with slat tops, no drop windows on head and butt side so plenty of airflow. My horse was totally comfortable with her hay bag and water bucket hanging out in the trailer for the day. I just tied the dividers back and she had the entire trailer at her disposal plus I had a covered area to tack up in. It was rainy otherwise she’d be outside tied to the trailer.

I suggest a portable fan. I got this one that you charge up and then it runs off its internal battery. So no outlet needed.

Has a light as well. Light and fan levels are 3 speeds. If you charged up 2 fans you’d have 6 to 8 hours of fanage. It can be on while you’re trailering too. Just secure it well.