si joint disfunction, otherwise known as a pain in the a$$

I used the blet while I was trying to deal with my SI problem, it did not slip on me, but I kept it pretty tight. I was at the point with this pain that I thought I might have to stop riding, it was that bad. After going to back specialist, chiro’s etc. No one could even really tell me what the problem was except perhaps a hypermobile joint. I finally started accupuncture and then pilates. I have never looked back. I still have a twinge of pain now and then, but nothing else worked. Nothing. Not injections, not chiro, not pain meds. Only the accupuncture and then beginning pilates.

Good luck. It is awful to deal with.

gallopinggram- thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement. much appreciated!

Got my injections today. the first hour afterwards, while the lidocaine was still in play, was the most pain-free I’ve been in ages. now my tuckus is sore, but still, that brief pain free time gives me hope that this will be the diagnosis and now we can make a treatment plan in PT to get me healthy.

fingers and toes are crossed. Again, thanks to all of you for sharing your stories; they gave me ideas to take to my doc and options to consider.