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Skipping at the trot

It looks like his LF is zinging him* (look at the foot) and RH looks iffy - possibly just baby weakness through stifle area.

I didn’t take a lot of time to look at the videos but I get the impression that the intermittent upfling of the head occurs when the LF lands.

Yes he’s got terrible feet angles all around. I worked many months with the barn farrier to keep him on a shorter schedule but they were doing the bare minimum so I tried someone else with wedges/pads but he was sore so this winter I said let’s try barefoot. His foot overall looks healthier but getting the farrier’s in my area to take off toe is like pulling teeth.

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Oof. Yeah those feet would make him weird and sore in the glutes!

I feel you about the farrier. I learned how to use a rasp, and am well on my way to going DIY if things continue on this path :roll_eyes:

Welcome to the club, we have snacks :laughing:


My 5 year old started doing the exact same thing as in your first video, all
Of a sudden. He’s a home bred so I know where he’s been. Then he got grumpy about going forward . With a little more leg it turned into an all
Out temper trantum.
I took him for body work and among other things he has a touch of kissing spines and the tops of the spinous processes on his withers are broken. Vet thinks hes still growing and a tad butt high which isn’t helping. Right now he’s getting 6 months off, ground work and equi core only and hopefully when he’s less butt hi there will be less kissing spine and the withers will heal


I mean, I’m sure he palpated sore and that’s what led to saying they’re broken, but that’s not an unusual presentation of wither xrays, at all.


Well I guess that makes me feel
A little better. Is that horse currently in work? How old etc?
The vet was more concerned about the slight kissing spine to the right , but I was surprised to see the wither damage.
He also had ribs out on both sides, right side SI, and left knee. We don’t know if he slipped and fell in turnout or went over backwards etc but definitely some trauma occurred


Yes, that’s the 3 year old xrays of my current mare, who is now 7. She’s never had issues with the withers, and it wasn’t even noted as an anomaly by the PPE vet.

If you google wither xrays, they all look like that, with the tips appearing disconnected.

Fractured would look like a break further down, I would imagine.


My older ottb fractured his it was definitely noticeable. During my ppe I did get X-rays of his back but of course it was a state away so I wasn’tt there for it. Who knows I could have gotten any horses xray in my email since there was no date or name on the rads :joy: but all was clean.

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Thanks. That does give me hope at least. My guy only has about 4 months under saddle and not all continuous. We were just starting cross rails :frowning:

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