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Slant or head to head?

About 3-5x a year, mostly local, within 3 hours, no main roads or busy highways.

Someday I’d like to go farther again, but in those cases DH would be hauling, and he’s really good with long vehicles.

If it’s few and far between with planned routes, then you should be fine with either length. Anything more often than that, and I’d encourage you to consider the smaller trailer of the two.

I feel you. I make Mr LS chauffeur Dobbin around bar legit emergency (I had to evacuate Dobbin from an emergent fire situation once). Like your man, mine has CDLs he drives all day every day and with multiple trucks.

I vote the head to head for you as 1) you have a professional driver and plenty of truck 2) you plan to haul three horses on your trips. I think the head to head is way more convenient. You can access each horse AND your “hay stall” without any unloading!!

I’d pitch this situation to Mr LS (who undoubtedly would want the trailer with the potential AC sleeping area) by highlighting the safety of the head to head. What if a horse falls down while we are on the interstate?!?!? Head to head is the winner here. Also investigate options for adding the AC in the head to head. Mr LS would be swayed by the allure of AC area while he sits through horse shows, even if the area was tiny.

Another thought, what if you get a bigger horse in the future? For sure, most (not all) slants seem too small for most (not all) bigger horses.

Well, after DH saw the head to head he decided he wants that too. We will figure something out for AC, etc. the dressing room is considerably smaller, so it won’t be easy to convert to a weekender, but that’s ok. I know there are ways to use the back of your trailer for camping etc.

He’s also looking into having made/making/ buying the solid stud walls/doors for the hay stall and to make it better for the ponies.

Another thought I had is that in an emergency, I can put 1-2 ponies in the middle section. I had a trainer do that regularly, and although I would never need to as a matter of course, having the potential to evacuate all the horses at once is a good one.

We also have a large family, so the functionality of any LQ in the trailer is negligible. Most local shows we go to we make two trips—one with the trailer one with the camper. This detail is the hardest to let go of.

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They are planned routes that I’m familiar with. Anything longer DH would come to help/spectate, and he’s very used to this length of trailer.

He also saw the head to head and decided it was the right choice.

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Lovely! Do let us know if you get it and how you like it please?!?!

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