Some questions about Justify....

No, the Nunamaker shin study specifically recommends fast work regularly. The bones do NOT remodel with turnout.

"Nunamaker then was ready to conclude that conventional training programs that concentrated on long, slow gallops with young horses were not resulting in leg bones strong enough to withstand the stress of racing at speed…Four groups of two-year-olds were studied. One group was not involved in a training program and roamed a pasture. A second group was trained at the Fair Hill wood chip track in Maryland in the conventional manner with long, slow works. A third group was trained at Delaware Park, also in the conventional manner. A fourth group was trained at Delaware Park with a training regimen that called for short, sharp bursts of speed three days a week…In the group trained with frequent bursts of speed, it was found that the cannon bones of two-year-olds had, in only a matter of months, developed to the stage equivalent to most four-year-olds which had been involved in a training and racing program. "