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Someone please tell me they have found a magical way to prevent or remove bot eggs

No, not at all. [quote=“Fiesta01, post:36, topic:763908, full:true”]

I’m horrible with sharp objects. Don’t you cut your hand using the second blade as a handle?

No, not at all! I guess I don’t grip hard as seemingly I don’t need to to remove bot eggs. You don’t have to put your fingers around the “handle” blade, just hold everything so you won’t get cut and just scrape the eggs off. It’s easy to scrape the eggs off, no real grip needed!! Play around with that!

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I like that you did a test group and a control group!


chickens and flies/maggots/flyeggs. They do god’s work! But i’ve never seen them pick those little yellow eggs off horse’s pasterns. They DO pick ‘beggars lice’ (ie sticktights/wild pea seeds) off of sheep.

I just saw this in a FB group, saw the results, and I gotta say, the number of eggs pulled off was amazing :astonished:

Lice comb

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I hate to admit that when we do have bot eggs on the horses I don’t worry about removing them? I deworm with the appropriate dewormer and away we go.

I did see some for the first time today on my geldings fetlock area. Not too many.

I’ll be honest and say I don’t really bother when I see just a few. I do, however, make a good effort when I see big clumps of them. I don’t sweat it if a few get left.

I know I will be using Equimax in a couple months, I know I used Quest Plus in the Spring, and I don’t sweat it. But I also don’t want to encourage a hefty load of larva in the mouth or stomach until November/early December-ish when I use Equimax

I never see gobs of them anyways but it might be the color of my horses too.

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Just found a batch on my horse - ugh! I’ve ordered a bot knife and picked up some Ivermectin (miracle I could find any these days).

Is it worth dosing my herd now? Or wait until any bot flies would be dead?

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Most places you want to wait until after a hard frost, ideally several days of frost. Because if you dose them now, that will do nothing to kill the flies laying eggs that are still buzzing around, continuing to expose your horses.

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That makes sense - thank you. I’m in New England. Honestly don’t remember ever encountering these little guys before this year!