something to kill adult Onchocerca? 19 CASE STUDIES POSTED-PAGE 58

I wonder if they are part of the problem with “sweet itch” horses in Texas.
This article grossed me out.

I guess someone studied whether it could be spread to humans. 22% of Louisiana horses in the study tested positive to skin scrapings.


Timely thread. My mare has, for lack of a better term, moles on her neck, abdomen and shoulders. They have been there for a since last year, with a few new ones popping up this year. The vet has checked them, and he didn’t seem to feel there was anything that needed to be done unless they changed shape or size. They do not ooze. There is no “nodule” underneath. They look exactly like some sort of “bite” that has oozed and dried. Very irregular in shape, but relatively small.

She is also pretty itchy this time of year. I think I will try the double dose approach and see what happens.

sigh it’s always something!!!

Well, it won’t hurt to try and it just might work! Keep us posted Jill.

ChocoMare - I sheepishly admit I’ve been stalking you on this subject. :smiley: We’ve had a bit of a rough summer here for various reasons. Including sweet itch. I kept reading about your success and followed the links you provided… gave it a try. For the first time, The Free Horse is having a comfortable summer.

I owe you one. Thanks.

Ach, J, dahling. You owe me nuttin honey. Just soooooo glad to hear that it helped The Free Horse.

We’ll just add you to the group of “Seeeeee, I Tried It and It Worked!” satisfied peoples. :winkgrin:

Well, it won’t hurt to try and it just might work! Keep us posted Jill.[/QUOTE]

I will Choco! I’ll try to take “before” photos as well this weekend, then comparison shots afterwards. :slight_smile:

Okay, I’m in on this. Need to worm this weekend. What are folks trying out?

  1. Double-dose (by weight) ivermectin
  2. Single dose ivermectin every day for three days
  3. Single does Equimax


I’m off to the feed store tomorrow. I’ll double dose Equimax and repeat in two weeks. I just pray it works. If not, it will be a pain in the arse experimenting with the different shampoos that were suggested in another thread I made.

I hope everyone reports back. Thanks Chocomare!!

Heck, I’m so freaked out, I think I’ll get a tube for myself too!!! :dead:

Alas, now my very twisted mind has recalled from its deep recesses the silly song:

The worms crawl in
The worms crawl out
They’re in your ears
And out your mouth.

:dead: I know, I know. I need help. :lol:

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I’ll be double dosing (by weight) with Equimax then re-peating the whole thing in two weeks.

Ahhh Chocomare, I love a sick twisted mind like my own!! :lol:

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Double dosed today

I just spent a fortune on Equimax today…lol

Double dosed her this afternoon. I hope soooo bad that is the cause. My poor mare was actually lifting her back legs while I was sponging them off…:no:

I also bought Ichthammol as she has had some lumps under her skin for a long time now. I never thought anything of them, as they never seemed to bother her.

I slathered it on after I wormed her today. Does this suffocate them and they come out from under the skin?

This thread really has me interested in the outcomes…

Huntertwo have you cleaned her udder? My mare gets really itchy when her udder gets crusty. Just an additional thought!

I’m off to pick up mine tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Well now. I…ahem…posted a link to this thread over on a Horse thread wherein that OP posted pics of a horse covered in “sweet itch.” Suggested the Equimax double dose thing and referenced This thread there for grins.

Now I’m gonna post that thread here because you need to see the before/after pictures.

I wormed my itchy boy with a 1.5 dose of ivermectin (didn’t have two tubes at the time), and his skin flaked just like the horse in the horsecity thread. I just gave him a 1.5 dose again the other day, 2 weeks after the first dose. He is still itchy and has welts occasionally, but a bath, benadryl, and flyspray helps that.

I will try the double Equimax soon. I am so glad this thread was posted!

Can you do the double dose of Equimax with yearlings as well? Is it safe for them?

I have one mare that I now think has this problem and two yearlings which were pastured with her. The yearling colt has had oozy spots in his mane (not terrible but I couldn’t figure out why) and is rubbing his eyes and the other yearling filly is getting a line of oozy stuff along her belly. I always wondered why my mare was the only one being eaten alive on her belly and now I guess I know why. To think how much money I was spending on Swat and extra fly spray.

I understand that it usually shows up as 2 year olds but since these are the only horses with oozy bellies on this entire farm I have to wonder if it is Onchocerca and it is just showing early in these two yearlings.


Ewwwww - for your reading enjoyment (I think one article has already been posted…) (scroll down to read the abstract)

Yes, I always clean her teats. In fact I did then twice this week, just in case…:wink: Just a tip: I use the sheath cleaner Excaliber to clean that area. Really loosens the gunk up. And just sponge off.

The detailed ocular findings in 200 moderately to heavily infected Liberians who were enrolled in a safety and dose-finding study are presented.

Do you have any idea HOW LONG I stared at this statement and wondered why Librarians were so heavily infected…OMG…what a dope!