Somewhere Inbetween... Fibro riders...

FH- I got no pain relief from the Cymbalta. It helped a bit with the fatigue side. I’ve had better luck with Lyrica and narcotics, honestly. I also have friends trying Savella, with good responces so far, but it’s early yet.

The cymbalta kicked in for me about the 6th day… nothing ginormous at that time, more like I was walking up the hill and not dying…

They upped the dose after 30 days, and about a week into the 60mg dose, I really, really noticed a difference.

My chronic back pain has bothered me maybe 4x since starting the cymbalta, and each time, there’s been a good reason for it to bother me. (sitting too long, driving too long etc, basically–abuse :wink: )

It did not help me at ALL with fatigue–though I will say in the last month or two I am sleeping better than I have in YEARS. Probably has more to do with job changes than Rx, but it definitely could be related to the Rx as I’m not waking up in pain (hips, back, neck, shoulders) like I would before.

I know that each person is different and it’s a chemistry thing. I can only hope others find some relief like I have. Now I’m working on the fatigue, the weight, the fitness… I’m working horses more and riding more. I go back to FT work the week after next–“vacation” is over… I’m hoping the progress isn’t.

I’ve just been diagnosed (confirmed by 2 doctors) with Fibro. I also had Lyme Disease (neurological form) quite seriously for about 5 years. While I am very fortunate to have recovered from the Lyme, things have never quite the same in some respects. I tried the Lyrica, but it doesn’t seem to do much for me and I don’t like how it makes me feel. I do lots of stretching, range-of-motion, strengthening exercises and am trying to resume my Pilates (had to back off on these things due to the accident).

The Tennis Ball and Thera-Cane are my friends - definitely use them a lot to relieve trigger points, which are many!

There is a supplement called samE that I am strongly considering:

On another note, I hope those who don’t experience serious conditions like this remain cognizant that everyone is not necessarily like they are, and can’t always do the things they do. I say that because certain people seem to be very quick to criticize and demean others, and they should try walking in the other person’s shoes – maybe then they would be more sympathethic. Being in pain 24/7 is a way of life for many of us, and it takes incredible bravery, determination and a very strong mind to get up every day and do their very best.

So long as I can ride and be in harmony with my boy, there’s hope! :slight_smile: Very best wishes to all!

I’ll bite on the survey…There are also a number of good resources on the net that list different stuff.

My husband I found enormous relief from “healthy” chocolate. My husband who is a former bareback rider suffering from arthritis from years of serious breaks and injuries. Myself having done yrs of hunter/jumper also suffers from muscle aches and a very seriously arthritic knee. We started eating the chocolate in March. Within a week I noticed a huge energy boost. Because it is a proprietary process the chocolate is the purest form of cocoa available. Aside from the huge benefits from the antioxidants. Cocao has huge anti-inflammatory properties. Within 3 months my knee was so much better I can ride totally pain free. My husband who never got relief from anything, tells everyone about eating chocolate. I got a friend from Germany with Lyme Disease started on it just last week and after 4 days she was pain free. It truly is a remarkable product that I think the whole world should be eating for so many reasons.

Imajacre has a 24 yr old TB with a very bad arthritic knee that she has been feeding the chcocolate to 3x a day. He went from only being able walk and canter to now happily trotting. The first time in yrs.

check it out.

Ooooo!!! Extra reasons to eat chocolate (I KNEW that that must be good for you!)!

Any particular brand? E.g. what is ‘healthy’ chocolate?

I know eating chocolate 3-5 times a day!! Who’d have thought. Its the first thing we eat in the morning. If you go to either of these websites it will tell you all about it.

It’s important to note that fibro pain is thought to be caused by central nervous system sensitization. In other words the body interprets normal sensations as highly painful. This is different from arthritis, where there is a physical problem which causes pain.

Additionally, there seem to be two “forms” of fibro. One appears to be genetic and hereditary, and has inflammatory symptoms. The other form, which appears to be “acquired” following a bout with mono or other viral infection; does NOT respond to anti inflammatory medications. And to make it worse, a person can certainly have both forms.

So, when choosing what options to try, it’s important to establish what type of symptoms you have, and what they seem to respond to. Flying One, you don’t mention if you have fibro, but I totally appreciate the info on a new anti inflammatory and delicious option! Best wishes to all!

HI there, one of the websites that Flying One mentions is .
Under the Q/A section there are lots of questions answered, even one pertaining to fibromyalgia. As well, on the testimonials page there are many sections to peruse.
This product is really unbelievable, and is Health Canada Approved to aid in cardiovascular health, lower BP, equalise cholesterol levels and reduce platelet aggregation.
This on top of all the health benefits it provides!
(Weight control, gastro/IBS relief, prostate issues, arthritis etc)
The lady who invented it is also diabetic, and this chocolate has helped many diabetics experience improved insulin behaviour.

I have a lady eating it who does have fibro, and she feels much less pain, she tells me.

I eat it for pain relief. Being a professional violinist, I had quite a bit. Note the word “HAD”. :slight_smile:

The company has just come out with an energy drink as well, with no added caffeine( so no rush no crash), low glycemic sugars, fruits, spring water, and only natural carbonation. Tastes like concorde grape, and has the antioxidant/flavanol goodness of the chocolate extracted and added to the drink.

I’m sooo happy to have found this thread.

I was diagnoised with fibromyalgia 16 years ago when I was 16. Back then, no one had heard of it and everyone thought I was just a whiny teenager who was trying to get out of going to school …yes, because being dragged to dr after dr was SOOO much more fun!
Finally landed at the Cleveland Clinic foundation seeing the head of pediatric rheumatology and he was able to give me the first hope I had seen in years. I wasn’t crazy. I wasn’t manipulative. The pain I was feeling that made it hard for me to get out of bed and want to sleep all the time because that was the only time I DIDN’T feel the pain wasn’t in my head. The fact I couldn’t remember simple things didn’t mean I was stupid, there REALLY was a reason for all of it.

Fast forward 16 years of trying different things and having days/weeks/months of being better then worse and here I am present day. Mother of 2, 3 horses, lots of dogs/cats, loving husband who tries to understand what is going on with me and that even though I’m not covered in blue spots I really am sick, and I still have days that are better than others.
Is it just me, or do some of you forget how bad you hurt until you have a particuarly good day, and suddenly realize that lifting your arm/flexing your fingers/shrugging your shoulders, didn’t make you wince?
Today isn’t a good day. All of the normal “pressure points” hurt but today even typing hurts. We have a cold front moving through OK and my allegies are acting up, so I’m thinking that might have something to do with it. I’m just so happy to see, once again, that I’m not alone.
I’ve been thinking about going to the dr and asking to try something new to help with the pain. Taking the normal OTC meds isn’t cutting it, and I’m noticing I’m getting more snappy with the kids…I even am delaying taking showers for a couple of days because it hurts but tellin my husband it’s because my skin is too dry (seriously…how pathedic is that?).
Anyone have any recommendations?

[QUOTE=Piatt Farms;4555593]
Is it just me, or do some of you forget how bad you hurt until you have a particuarly good day, and suddenly realize that lifting your arm/flexing your fingers/shrugging your shoulders, didn’t make you wince? [/QUOTE]
That sounds very familiar! On really bad pain days (and weather change can certainly cause them) soaking in a hot bath with a quart of organic apple cider vinegar helps.

I think that Leena has been one of my greatest inspirations. If she can do it–and do it so gracefully, well, hell, I certainly should be able to! She has shared that she has learned so much ‘less is more’ in relation to aids, shifts in weight, rein cues etc. It’s encouraging.

It’s encouraging for me too just to know there are others out there who not only know what I’m talking about in a medical/normal life sense, but know what it’s like to have to crack ice out of buckets, or throw hay over fences…

Have been researching the guiafenessen thing for myself, and found some good success with using 3-4 in the AM and 2-3 in the PM before I ran out and haven’t had the fundage to restock. It seemed to help the allergies more than any other thing I’ve tried. And that in turn seemed to help me sleep better and get going better in the AM. It’s a controversial treatment in some ways–newer double blind studies seem to go against the original Dr who has/does most of the treatment with it… OTOH, guiafenessen is a quite old ‘drug’ (from nat’l sources) and has significant anti-inflammatory properties with virtually no side effect… so perhaps it’s simply the ‘right’ kind of anti-inflam.

Penth–I didn’t realize there was a genetic component too. Much info I’ve read talks about a ‘trigger event’ with spinal trauma, which certainly is SIMPLE to pinpoint for me. This started for me when I was doublebarrelled in the chest (NOT MY HORSE! :lol: :uhoh: ) and I just ‘never got better’ really… Unfortunately, being a typical horse person, I also have had my share of concussions… and while I showed no symptoms, I may well have had a mild concussion with that accident too… (I had whiplash terribly, and now spine degeneration from the injury to the ribs/sternum) so… really, it all fits with concussion syndrome too. <shrugs>

What I can say is I truly have more HOPE right at this minute, than I have since the kick. Being able to share the frustrations and questions is amazing. Being able to share them with HORSEPEOPLE is even more amazing.

And I’m more committed than ever to breeding a horse with competitive gaits for dressage that is still EASY TO SIT!!! Pretty is as pretty does, but doesn’t do ME any good if I can’t RIDE it. :wink:

I think one of the problems w/fibro and riding is that even when you ride well, tiny whiplash takes place a lot. I know the last time my horse did a spook/spin/bolt I had the clear sensation that I had just experienced whiplash. Of course I was glad to be still on the horse so it was a fleeting thought, but still…


Yep, tiny whiplash AND tiny concusions, trauma to the central nervous system and brain certainly add up, as new research supports.

Whiplash? Parachute…

What is a parathyroid? Does it have a parachute?[/QUOTE]

At work in the office… jamming out… I forget we share the same taste in both horses and music… ha.

I don’t have Fibro but have heard about a connection between neck injuries and Fibromyalgia. Anyone know if there is any truth to the theory?

The seemingly high incidence of Fibro among riders and other athletes involved in potentially high-impact sports (skiing, diving specifically) where neck injury is more likely to occur makes me wonder what the connection is…

My husband managed a sleep lab up until recently and one of his docs did a significant amount of study on Fibromyalgia but more as it relates to sleep.

No idea if it’s true, but I’ve heard that as well, and not just neck injuries, but any kind of major trauma. Getting kicked like pintopiaffe, for example. Or in people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Also heard it’s more common in people who have hypermobile joints, like me with Ehlers-Danlos. And in people who have autoimmune and other types of conditions.

Sometimes it seems like I’m in the minority, since mine seemed to come along kind of slowly, and I can’t say that it happened after any particular incident. There certainly are plenty of possible incidents, though, so maybe it was the accumulation of them. So far over the years I’ve cracked four helmets, which probably doesn’t bode well for my health or sanity :lol:

Who else is this pressure system KILLING? :uhoh:

My stupid shoulders… it’s the TOP, like where your collarbone meets your shoulder? The right hurts. Aches. Is soooo sensitive to touch. Left isn’t as bad. But I can’t WAIT for the weather system to move on… and doesn’t seem like it’s in any mood to do so any time soon. :frowning:

Me. Yesterday. I feel your pain (quite literally!).
My pain is in my shoulders too. All across the top and and then the muscle that goes down next to the spine, to this weird point that is actually under my shoulder blade. I think the one across the top is one of the most common for Fibro.
It ALWAYS hurts for me, it’s just to what degree.
It hurts to get hugs from my kids…but I just wince as quietly as I can and smile/grimice.

Oddly, the pain in my ankles actually wakes me up nightly. I’ve tried switching shoes and that hasn’t helped. As if I don’t have enough sleep issues…now I add this one. :slight_smile:

So Pinto, I understand…same spot. One word. Ouch.

My pain is in my shoulders too. All across the top and and then the muscle that goes down next to the spine, to this weird point that is actually under my shoulder blade.

OMG–you mean like just to the side of your spine, but feels like it’s under your shoulderblade… but really hard to palpate/pinpoint???

They’ve been blaming that on my T 8/9 9/10 10/11 disks… I’d LOVE to find out if other Fibro folks have THAT one!

Does it hurt you if you sit too long? Mine feels better if I raise the arm on that side… that’s actually the main thing that drove me to try to find a diagnosis. My old job was sitting/typing for 10 hrs + a day, exempt from breaks etc. I was in agony. It hardly ever bothers me now–combination of Cymbalta and new job where I move a lot more + shorter shifts etc. But like tonight, being WAY stressed over the shooting, and having had like 6 hrs sleep in 2+ days… it’s killing me.

Seriously, I’d be SOOOOO interested if it’s more related to the Fibro than the injury I sustained. The sports massage lady doesn’t find anything on that side–interestingly finds it on the opposite.

Thankfully it does NOT bother me when I ride. It doesn’t bother me if I sit on a swiss ball either… but that’s about the only seat I can tolerate for long periods.

Isn’t it weird how riding seems to make most of it feel better–at least for me–but GETTING to ride is so damn challenging. Even with them in the backyard… it’s such a battle sometimes. I can’t imagine those who have to commute to a barn for any length of time… I probably would give up.

Oh PP, do you mean that small animal that lives under your shoulder blade and gnaws away at it?

Not to sound too voodoo, but I had mine removed. By a very competent PT guy. Mind over matter, who knows, but he told me he was going to take it out and he did. He said he killed it and it wouldn’t be back. So far, so good, its been 6 years.

Now you all think I am crazy!!!:lol: