Somewhere Inbetween... Fibro riders...

Fibro Fog

Hello all,

Wanted to share my experiences…interesting food for thought, maybe?

Diagnosed with fibro in 2001, came down with symptoms while pregnant with my 2nd child in 2000 (doctors told me I was crazy until 2001, and then I was still ignored). Eventually, doctor gave me Tramadol and that was it. I lived on ever increasing doses of Tramadol, then added Aleve, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Robaxin to the mix. Enough pain meds that I was able to ride/train 2-4 horses a day, while taking care of 23 acre farm, 2 kids (3 if you count my hubby), etc. Finally, by 2006 I could no longer hold the reins on x-c, and after multiple MRIs of hands and feet, diagnosed with fibro-related acute tendonitis of both hands and feet. Told to quit riding and see someone to get off the pain meds and get some proper meds for fibro.

Ever the pain-in-the-ass, I delayed and took more pain meds (did get on the 6-9 month wait to get in to even see a Rheumatologist, however). My husband talked me into going to have Reiki done (after our cowboy-type neighbor told him how much she helped his back…my husband is a vet, and so for him to recommend anything alternative is a hint of how bad I was…). Shockingly, after about a month, I started to feel sick when I took some of my pain meds, and started cutting back. Felt OK. After about 6 months, I was down to Tramadol to help with pain to sleep and one in morning to start moving. After 9 months, no pain meds (had cancelled Rheumatologist appointment by this time). Still had horrible fog and flare ups, but everyday life was so much better, and able to start riding more often again.

Still, the fogs were always my worst symptom, and they were getting worse. Couldn’t get anything done, hubby getting pissed about eating at 8 pm (knew I had to start supper, but would sit down and then realize that I missed an hour somewhere and was running late, then in a panic…). Went to my nurse practitioner, who had been in a clinic previously that dealt with a lot of fibro patients. I told her exactly how I’d been managing the fibro issues (Reiki, and, by now, Manual Lymphatic Drainage too, which also seemed to help muscle flexibility), but that the fog was very debilitating and depressing. She asked if I would try a low dose of an ADHD medication, as she had noticed with earlier obese fibro patients that some of them, when prescribed a stimulant to increase energy, had a dramatic improvement in their fibro symptoms (she searched for research on this, but never found any). So, she prescribed a low dose of Vyvanse (typically prescribed for children…I was comfortable with it because my son is on it for ADD). OMG…absolutely amazing. It doesn’t make me hyper, but when I have to do something…I can get it done! I experimented over Christmas and took 4 days off of it…and was horrified by how I felt when the fog closed in again. I woke up, sat in the chair in my room, and just felt comatose (very dramatic difference). I’m not perfect by any means, but, it’s such an improvement. I’ve only been taking it about a month now, but the primary side effects were mild (lack of appetite, esp at lunch, slight dry mouth right after taking it) and seem to be going away. I sleep fine, and although I’m now more sore from doing more stuff, it’s just helping me focus through the fog…no instead of thinking I need to make a list of what needs to be done…I make the list. Instead of walking past the stalls and thinking that I’ll do them later…I just clean them and get it done.

To top it all off, I went to my last Reiki session without telling her about the new med. She knew that I had fibro when I started there because all fibro patients have a “buzz” or “fuzziness” to their energy, as if everything is a little off and dirty. This last session, about 5 minutes into it she asked me what I had done, because things were so clean…I told her about the med and she said my brain function seemed so much healthier on it and that I needed to stay on it (and this is something as she is very anti-medication).

Don’t know if this is useful to anyone, but it’s my extremely unorthodox approach to my fibro. I now feel as if my life is relatively normal…and considering that 1.5 years ago I needed help to get out of bed, could barely walk in the morning, was always exhausted, despaired of ever riding/competing again, and lived on painkillers and muscle relaxants…


Chris, thanks for sharing that!

That’s super interesting.

When I went on the Cymbalta, on day 5 or so I just felt like I had new, clean glasses. The world was just sharper and brighter.

I think it’s SO important to keep searching for what works.

I keep driving past my old Chiro’s office, and they have accupuncture and Reiki there. While I’d about sell my soul for a good massage right now too, it nags at me each time I go past. It’s all going to be out of my own pocket, which is the issue, and my new FT job–while better for mind and FAR better for soul and body, pays about 1/2 of the job that was killing me (sitting 10 hrs with little/no breaks–OSHA exempt etc.)

Back to horsey topics, I am SO bummed we have gotten SO MUCH snow. The horses I am really fired up to work with (in my mind, anyway) are the youngsters, and I don’t dare work them on the road yet. :frowning: The snow is well up past knees and hocks though, on the way to bellies. I might try handwalking someone to make a ‘path’… see how bad the drifts are…

I ADORE calm, sunny winter days. It can be 10 degrees, but if there is no wind, I am in heaven. The sun is so bright here in winter, and the sky is so, so clear and dark blue you feel like you’re looking straight into space. (which you are, but you know what I mean :wink: )

I just got in the Cashel wedge I won for cheep on Ebay around Christmas, to fit the synthetic endurance saddle I tricked all out on the Silly Filly. I used a RiderGrip pad as a model, and a scrap of thinline material to make a pad for the seat to help with hip pain… covered that with sheepskin (which is SO yum in the winter!) and also won a pair of girth converters for $5 so can use a dressage girth. Saving up for wide stirrups so my winter boots don’t get stuck, meanwhile just won’t use stirrups… :uhoh: Just walking anyway… :stuck_out_tongue:

This has been a super bad week pain wise, for the first time in a LONG time. I’ve got to get a rein on my diet, but not-so-much you can do about weather… I really, really want to ride though.

Misery loves company… thanks for being my company! And we are nuts… I know about the horse part. :lol:

I know when I first started with my doctor he told me; you don’t look as bad as some of my other patients… I just grinned and dealt with it… because that’s what we do. what do you want doctor; for me to sit there and whine in agony… that’s what I FEEL like doing but solves nothing. I could sit there and tell you every joint and muscle in my body is hurting and on fire; my head is pounding and my feet feel like they are going to fall off… I can’t sleep and I can’t get out of bed; I can’t put my jacket on to leave the house without feeling like my arm is about to break, my brain wanders about in a fog… but no, I’m okay.

On the weather front; it’s is Raining like crazy here. Our pool overfilled and we had to drain it. Horses are hanging in there. I was able to get my big guy out yesterday between the down pours and make him move about. He gets goofy when it’s cold.

I’m always cold… I look funny with my layers of socks and slippers… long undies… good idea!!

pinto; I read the part how you would sell your soul for a good massage to my hubby; this was so he would know when I bug him it’s not pretend… then I thought no one would want my soul it’s kind of damaged anyway.

It’s been raining just for a few days and I want summer now too… I want to buy two houses. I want to be like a duck and fly south for the winter… maybe that would help. The reality of that right now is laughable… money is SO tight for many people.

Oh well. I hope you all are feeling better today. Now I need a massage. Thanks pinto… see what happens when you talk about those good things. Maybe a twinkie will do???

Gah, I know exactly what you mean. I can’t tell you how any doctors have told me I don’t look like I’m in pain. When I was in the Navy, in bootcamp I ran my PRT (running 1.5 miles, 104 situps, 72 pushups) and scored an excellent in 90-something degree temps with a raging case of pneumonia and a fever of 103. When I gave birth to my son, it was not an easy delivery, I did not ask for or receive any medication, did not scream or cry at all, and at one point the nurse about fell over when I very politely asked if I could have a drink of water between pushes. So even if I’m pushing through it and holding myself together, if I say I am in pain, I AM IN PAIN :mad:

Had a dressage lesson this morning, and it was great. Felt good earlier today, but now the left side of my lower back and my left thigh are killing me, and my neck is tight and painful, and my head hurts <sigh>

Decided that I’m taking my two younger mares to my trainer’s this spring. Sadie just for boarding and lessons, Ilen for boarding, lessons, and part time training. I just don’t have the kind of energy I used to, and I think the little one could really use some daily attention, though a lot of what she needs is just being sacked out more.

I have another pain clinic appointment coming up soon, so we’ll see if he’s got any new suggestions for me. He offered Lyrica last time, but it seems like anything that has even a tiny chance of making me fat and sleepy will make me very fat and sleepy, so I’m pretty hesitant to try it. I did nothing but sleep on the Cymbalta, and gained over 15 lbs in a month on it. Right now I’m actually on Ritalin, which helps quite a bit with the fatigue, fibrofog, and surprisingly, with the pain. Sleep doctor prescribed it, but the pain dr thinks its helping with the pain because it has helped normalize my previously very low blood pressure or something like that. And since I have EDS, it also helps prevent postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

I’m seeing a pattern here of high pain tolerance to start with…

How many folks would say they are (or were?) pretty stoic?

I remember having a displaced fracture put back into place without any happy juice… and was sent home with instructions to elevate above heart–but not with any Rx.

Drove myself to the ED in a standard with a fractured left ankle and the tip of the little bone snapped right off… Stuffed some of those long frozen ice-pop things in my sportsbra and finished teaching 5 more lessons the day I was double barrelled in the chest (which was the trigger event for the fibro/cfs) etc. etc.

BUT, in THIS, I feel like a sissy and a hypochondriac. It’s different. Either I have NO pain tolerance any more… or it’s just different pain?

I slept like 14 hours the other day, and it went a LONG way to kicking the flare in the backside. YAY! Still achey doing stairs at work, but feeling more human… until this stupid STORM blew in. 68MPH winds, 50 FREAKING DEGREES IN JANUARY. :sigh: The ED was insane full tonight, people on beds in hallways… so I’m not the only one feeling the storm at least. :wink:

Hi Pinto,

I bore people with my story, but who knows, maybe it will help someone.

When I went into menopause I immediately had pain in all my joints; sometimes taking me two hours to warm up in the morning and get to work. i was in tears, and for the first time understood the term “quality of life.”

Doc said it was “menopausal arthritis” from the sudden drop of estrogen and I would be better in 3-5 years. (that part happens to be true, and i believe estrogen has a lot to do with fibro, too!) I read the literature on that, and sure enough rapid drop in estrogen – like in ovarectomies – did cause arthritic pain in 20% of women.

During that time I also tried Omega HorseShine for my horse and noticed his arthritis improved. I researched the equivalent dosage for me and began taking 8 grams of omega 3’s a day (Spectrum Flax Oil, 1 tbs daily). I was feeling better in two weeks. In six months i was able to stop taking celebrex and voltaren.

I have such empathy for folks going through fibro, or that have debilitating migraines, or anything else that just saps your energy and takes away life one day at a time.


Wow, you certainly didn’t bore me. I just want to say thanks for posting your story here. I never have heard about “menopausal arthritis” before but it sure sounds like something I might have. Never been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but I do have MVPS, and as for the aches and pains I’ve been having, I figured it could be arthritis or “just getting older.”
The idea that it could be related to menopause is really a comforting one–like it might get better at some point or at least not be anything scary.
Thanks again for sharing, 3Spots! :slight_smile:

Hi All, Just wanted to give a Lyrica update, my dose has been increased again (150mg 2x per day) and it does make a huge difference in my soreness and attitude! It doesn’t do anything for acute pain, but for the chronic soreness, and resistance to movement I have noticed a great change- and no weight gain or negative side effects at all. I use narcotics for acute pain, but YMMV. This cold wet winter is killing me!

Besides all the things I have broken, my appendix burst in an ER and I left and went to another hospital… when I had my kids, I had no meds…

you get the idea! We are very stoic.

Do you mean the sternocleidomastoid muscle? Ha! I know it well. That was actually the reason I was originally diagnosed with Fibro!

It started over the years with a major pain in my left ear. Over time, it would come and go - mostly I thought it had to do with talking on the phone too long (yeah, don’t call me blabbermouth or anything!).

But sometimes it was so bad I thought I had an ear infection. Finally, I went to my ENT doc, who checked it out very thoroughly and couldn’t find a cause. For a while he thought it might be inflammation in the Carotid artery so he sent me to every specialist he could think of and it wasn’t that.

As a last resort he sent me to PT. The PT took a look at my back and said, hmmm, you’ve got scoliosis. It is very mild but causes enough unevenness that the muscle running up the side of my neck is so enlarged looks like a football tackle’s (Yeah, very pretty, uh-huh!) because I hold my head out oddly originating from my crooked spine and wonky shoulders.

But I also had so much other pain, the PT did the test for fibro and was convinced I had it. The diagnoses was later confirmed by another PT when I had a bad case of sacroiliac pain and spasms in my back.

The best thing I’ve found for pain in that muscle is massage. And that’s why I know the name of it!

I also have painful biting critters gnawing and knotting the muscles just above the shoulder blade on my left (high) side. That stinking knot is nasty and always gets bad when I’m typing on the computer (which I do tons of every day). (I don’t know the name of that particular muscle though :lol:)

I also have a very tender spot below the shoulder blade, but that doesn’t have its very own knot or independent biting power.

Hi All, Just wanted to give a Lyrica update, my dose has been increased again (150mg 2x per day) and it does make a huge difference in my soreness and attitude! It doesn’t do anything for acute pain, but for the chronic soreness, and resistance to movement I have noticed a great change- and no weight gain or negative side effects at all. I use narcotics for acute pain, but YMMV. This cold wet winter is killing me![/QUOTE]

I do wish the Lyrica had worked for me. They got me up to almost the max dose and I really just felt worse on it. It did nothing for my pain and made it very hard for me to sleep. So my brain fog got worse.

They have me back on the Prozac and that does help my body ache/joint pain alot. But doesnt do alot for my sleep/fatigue so my doc is trying to figure out what to do about that next.

This winter has been brutal with such cold extremes. It is NEVER below freezing for two weeks in a row here in TN. So not a good time for me and I had a pretty bad flare up around Christmas.

Though I still constantly deal alot with the “but you dont look sick” comments from some in my family. That is really hard to deal with and try to explain especially when you are just so tired and achy! Thankfully I am now self-employed so I do not have to deal with coworkers not understanding.

And on really bad days I am so glad I can come here on COTH and see that I am not alone. :slight_smile: It does help alot.

What other meds have you tried? Muscle relaxants? Narcotics? Tramadol? NSAIDS? I would definitely work with your doc to find out the newest research for fibro. Savella is having good results in my network of fibro friends. Sorry Lyrica didn’t help, I had that with Cymbalta, not only didn’t it help my fibro pain, it made my depression SO MUCH worse!

Do you mean the sternocleidomastoid muscle? Ha! I know it well. That was actually the reason I was originally diagnosed with Fibro!


YEAH! THAT ONE!!! What a PITA! (except it’s on the wrong end to be a PITA!).

My worst thing now is waking up feeling like my head is gonna explode sometimes. Had my hip replaced Monday…Tuesday nite I was thinking that the pain meds were giving me a raging headache…NOPE! Sleeping on a ‘real’ pillow.

I’m home but can’t do my normal thrashing at nite so am waking up w/ those muscles like ROCKS and my head exploding again.

I also have some nerve sheath enlargement right under those football player muscles (traps?). Everybody thought for YEARS that they were muscle knots. Massage therapists would really get after them, which would feel WONDERFUL - for about 12 hours. Then they’d start feeling like somebody was sticking an ice pick in my shoulder.

I don’t know about the pain tolerance thing…with my leg and all everybody has been going ‘you have such a good attitude about it and you’re doing so much, considering how bad it is’, and with the fibro the pain doc was suprised that I was riding. I’m like ‘what do you want me to do? sit around and whine???’.

But I don’t think that my overall pain tolerance is that high…just more of an ‘it’s only pain and I know why its there so I’m gonna ignore it’ type of attitude.

One of the nurses in the hospital told me about somebody who had BOTH hips replaced at the same time and used ZERO pain meds!!! :eek: Now THAT is a high pain tolerance!

Just checking in with everyone

Storm rolling in. My body’s screaming at me . . . how is everyone handling this winter? I am so frustrated I could scream . . .

Storm rolling in. My body’s screaming at me . . . how is everyone handling this winter? I am so frustrated I could scream . . .[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean, it’s been a lousy winter for me, too. Storms coming through and frigid temps completely do me in, and then when it’s finally nicer out I’m still stiff and achey from not doing much, and I’m more and more out of shape, so it’s easier to over do when I finally do get moving. Ugh.

Have an appointment at the pain clinic today. Hopefully I’ll come home with something to try. I need more in-the-saddle time or I’m going to go crazy, heh.

PT has worked wonders for my chest pain, I’m glad to say. It’s virtually non-existant now, and I can ride with my shoulders back pretty consistantly. So one body part done, about a zillion to go :lol:

Storms coming through and frigid temps completely do me in, and then when it’s finally nicer out I’m still stiff and achey from not doing much, and I’m more and more out of shape, so it’s easier to over do when I finally do get moving. Ugh.

Just read in an article somewhere this is the downward spiral of Fibro. You hurt so you rest… so you lose muscle, so when you DO again, you hurt more… lather, rinse, repeat.


I just could use a day with SUN that is warmer than 20 with no wind. I’d just LOVE to play in the snow now that the rain knocked it down enough so the ponies won’t flounder in it.

I WANT TO RIDE!!! :wink:

(remind me of that when I’m exhausted and hating the heat in July, 'eh? :cool: )

Wow! Nice to know that I’m not going crazy.

My chiropractor was the first person to mention fibro to me. I haven’t gone through my doctor to confirm this. And, since I’ve moved, I haven’t taken the time to find a new doctor.

I’m one of those stoic people - I have spots on my body that are a dull ache most of the time. I’m always surprised when my chiro finds all the other spots on my body that hurt.

Thanks for all the information on this thread.


Can I go on a slight tangent?

I’m having a lot of pain while sleeping. It’ll wake me up. Generally the fibro ‘points’, especially hip, knee & shoulder. I sleep on my side, and the side that is ‘down’ will ache and ache and ache.

I can’t really afford a new mattress just at this second–and have hated them in the past, short of the really, really $$$$ ones. I have always slept best on a (chiropractor approved!) futon mattress in a waterbed frame…

But I’m thinking it’s too hard and that’s what’s irritating when I’m having a flare?

Wondering if anyone has any mattress toppers that have helped? I’m looking at either a featherbed topper, a memory foam… or, alternatively, trying an air mattress? Waterbed is out, had it, won’t work with the dogs and cats. :uhoh: :stuck_out_tongue: (drip, drip, GUSH… )

I dunno. I saw the air mattress at a discount store yesterday and it started me thinking. Anyone had any relief from such things?

Meanwhile, another tangential find–but not so much–anyone using guiafenessen (sp? sorry) try the Dollar Store!!! I’m getting 15 400mg for a dollar. That’s 60 for $4, if I am actually doing math… which is FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER than even the cheapest generic I’ve found. Seems to work just as well! I’m having some luck with taking it, probably just helps because it’s a strong analgesic, but doesn’t hurt that it seems to help the sinuses and ears. :yes:

HA! I’m the queen of princess and the pea.

Some toppers are too soft, others are too hard, a few are just right (at least for awhile).

Here’s what happens to me…topper is WONDERFUL for awhile till I get a nice person-shaped hole in it. Have used memory foam, wool (my fave, actually), feathers, tried latex but felt like it was fighting me all nite). Once I have the nice person shaped hole, the back and hips start sinking too much and put strain on my neck, and I wake up w/major headaches.

What I’m using right now is one of these:

I keep it pumped up pretty firm and use a 1.5" memory foam topper from Target on it. The valve is a little flaky - have to pump it up every few days. As long as I do, it’s been working fine for my ouchies…and I can go thru a LOTTA these for what some mattresses would cost.

7 years ago we were on vacation and stayed at a very upscale B&B in Charleston…

the bed was UNBELIEVABLE. I fell asleep in it, in midsentence. I mentioned it to the concierge and the next day in my email was the name and maker of the bed. We bought one. 7 years later, still in bed bliss. 3 of my friends have bought the same bed. It is a Juno by Beautyrest. Oh la la, worth giving it a try :slight_smile:

Can I go on a slight tangent?

I’m having a lot of pain while sleeping. It’ll wake me up. Generally the fibro ‘points’, especially hip, knee & shoulder. I sleep on my side, and the side that is ‘down’ will ache and ache and ache.

A few years after the fibro started I could barely sleep at all. Same points for me, and it got so bad that I would wake up in tears every time I needed to turn over, sometimes waking my husband up so he could help me. In the mornings, he would frequently have to help me out of bed as well.

I ended up getting a Sleep Number bed…best thing I ever did. My husband jokes that I sleep in a hammock, as I have very little air in my side (his side of the bed is almost rock hard, of course), but it’s been great. I can change the hardness if I feel uncomfortable, but unless I’m having a bad spell, I now sleep virtually pain free (or at least it doesn’t wake me up in tears anymore!). My back (with multiple injuries over the years, my worst point) is so much better as well. I think they offer a trial period, so you could get one to try…if it didn’t resolve your issues like it did mine, you could then send it back. Sometimes they have sales on their website.

I think the fatigue associated with lack of sleep, combined with the lack of a deep healing sleep (when muscles could/should relax and heal?), just makes the pain so much…more…unbearable/severe/frustrating/???
