Somewhere Inbetween... Fibro riders...

Thanks, SonomaCounty

Today I am seeing double and have a really funky headache and dizzy. Absolutely must be the lyrica…Sheesh, hope this goes away soon.

People that are on the Cymbalta, how does that help you with the nerve pain and fatigue???

Cymbalta seems to work better for folks who are not currently on any anti depressants (regardless of the reason). Lyrica works differently, and seems to have a synergistic or additive effect with anti depressants of any sort- some people do take both.

Pinto, I sent you a PM but your box is full…

Have any of you Fibro guys/girls gotten checked for Lymes? I deal with a lot of your symptoms, and my LLMD (lime litterate medical doctor) that I go to has had people come in with Fibro and about 70-80% of them tested positive for lymes. Just thought I would put that out there.

People that are on the Cymbalta, how does that help you with the nerve pain and fatigue???[/QUOTE]

It does. Is it all gone - no, but that’s me. Still, do I really like Cymbalta - yes.

I didn’t get a chance to read the whole thread, but what, in specific, is your nerve pain, AG?

My own protocol to deal with my issues is: daily Cymbalta, daily Topomax (25 mg., small dose, more of a nerve pain med.) and Ultram for pain when I can’t keep going. Zanaflex (muscle relaxer) when needed.

The reasons for the above are fibro (Cymbalta), Topomax (chronic plantar fasciatis aka sore feet). Oh, massage therapy is awesome, too.

The hot new medication in pain management, btw, is Savella. People are loving it. I’ve not tried it but probably will at some point.

Feel better.

Checked for Lymes - sure have. Lots of times. I’ve turned over every rock many, many times with this darn body pain issue. Great thought though. :slight_smile: Thanks.

MassageLady- While we are all glad to hear your friend was cured, I don’t believe all of us have simply never heard of such treatments, nor ignored them. I have certainly tried a similar protocol through a local lyme disease specialist to no avail.

The current medical research suggests that fibromylagia is a change in the way the central nervous system acts, with an overproduction of substance P (detectable in a spinal fluid tap) with resulting changes in the way the brain responds to pain (visible on scans of the brain during painful stimulus as compared to non fibro folks with the same stimulus.)

What exactly have you tried? I doubt that a ‘Dr.’ would do natural remedies. Most are under the thumb of the pharmaceutical companies and not allowed to even mentiont them.

This is what I believe:

REFLUX, CHRONIC BLOATING, CONSTIPATION, CHRONIC ANEMIA, INFLAMMATORY DISEASE, FIBROMYALGIA, LUPUS (very severe infection), GWS, CHRONIC RASHES, SEBORRHEA, PSORIASIS, CANCERS and a host of other diagnosed ailments are all linked to a systemic (in the blood stream) Fungal - Mycoplasm Infection. Once this infection is in the blood stream, it can affect any organ giving people many different types of symptoms. McCain was able to document this finding using her Live Field Microscopy equipment. In every case above, chronic, systemic candida was found in the blood stream! This infection goes undiagnosed by the medical community and each ailment is treated for symptoms with no hope of any cure. All these ailments above have been helped by the following supplemental protocol.

Candida (fungal infection) can go systemic, into the blood stream and cause joint pain that is often confused with arthritis. Use of antibiotics and chemotherapy the number one cause, but diet, environmental toxins can also play a role in the infection. It can also affect the liver, causing rashes, the kidneys causing severe back pain and poor kidney function, etc. When it’s in the blood stream it can infect anywhere. That is why there are so many ailments tied into this condition. Chronic fungal infection can also deplete the iron in the blood causing low energy and anemia. Leg cramps, twitching legs and general body stiffness is also due to the inflammatory nature of the fungal as well as the fact that it depletes the calcium in the body too. This leads to the cramping. Chronic infection when left untreated gets progressively worse and is always present with Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Lupus, GWS, Gerds, and a host of other misdiagnosed ailments.

^ What a load of spherical objects !

Ooooh I can join in on this one!

You know what really chits me about it? On top of the pain, exhaustion and brain fuzz?

I could do fabulous, and I mean FABULOUS braids (the round english sewn ones) in no time before.

Now it takes forever and a day and they SUCK!

Call me shallow …

It’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one

Have been away from COTH for a little while and I was so glad to find this thread when I came back! Currently coming out of a flare… this snow-verload up here has set me back so far. Not being able to ride consistently is killing me and I feel my seasonal depression coming back. UGH!

I’ve never heard of this Guaifenesin Protocol… does it really work!!! I’ll have to ask my rheumo about it. She still won’t put me on Lyrica or Cymbalta because I’m under 18, only by a few months! but she is adamant. Maybe this could help me. I’m so stiff and sore lately.

I’m also so excited to hear (maybe not the best word choice) that other people have the shoulderblade knot… mine comes and goes but I have noticed a correlation between pain there and my neck hurting. Since it’s not considered a “fibro point” my issues there have been mostly ignored.

This thread has given me so many points to bring up at my next appointment… I’ve been giving up lately on any pain relief because NOTHING has helped so far but I have renewed hope! :slight_smile:


If you can find a GOOD accupuncturist they can usually knock a flare back in a few treatments.

Doesn’t cure the issue, but man, they can make a BIG difference in your comfort level. Problem is finding a good one.

What a load of spherical objects !

Thomas, as my dear old aunt used to say-if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.
I cannot believe that people would not even consider trying something different, something that is VERY affordable, and PERHAPS be the cure for your disease! Isnt’ it worth just trying something else?? Or do you really, truly feel that your doctor is helping you? If your pain is gone, and you are getting better-great, if not-what is the harm in looking other places? I really cannot understand some peoples mind sets. I know people personally who have gotten better, with alternative treatments-you say your in pain and need help–I’m trying to help.
definition of insanity…doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.:lol:

Thomas, as my dear old aunt used to say-if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.[/QUOTE] I don’t know you’re aunt but she sounds incredibly dull. I presume though that as you saw fit to quote her that you found her thoughts of interest. I find it interesting though that you didn’t see fit to follow them!

Now my old mum used to say “if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen” and “if you want it sugar coated, then go to a sweet shop”

I cannot believe that people would not even consider trying something different, something that is VERY affordable, and PERHAPS be the cure for your disease!
Well as you well know they do. There’s folks suckered every day and some even make a living from promotoing such garbage.

I don’t though!

Isnt’ it worth just trying something else?? Or do you really, truly feel that your doctor is helping you?
Well you probably asked the wrong person there. As I’m actually the world’s longest survivor of a matched unrelated bone marrow transplant I’m probably the best ever testament to the miracles of medical SCIENCE and leading edge conventional treatment.

You’ll not persuade me that a fridge magnet from a self trained wannabe alternative health care fruit loop would have given me a chance!

If your pain is gone, and you are getting better-great, if not-what is the harm in looking other places?
You mean aside from the fact it’s ripping folks off and giving them false hope and profiting from that???

I really cannot understand some peoples mind sets.
Evidentially, but I’ll do my best to get the point across to you!

I know people personally who have gotten better, with alternative treatments-you say your in pain and need help–I’m trying to help.
Some would say very trying and profiting falsely on the procedes.

definition of insanity…doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.:lol:
Keep doing the same and you’ll keep getting the same… so try something different!

My Aunt was a wonderful woman who you can’t even imagine being anywhere close to the person she was…so don’t even go there.

Now my old mum used to say “if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen” and “if you want it sugar coated, then go to a sweet shop”

No wonder you ended up this way.

Well as you well know they do. There’s folks suckered every day and some even make a living from promotoing such garbage.

and most all have been cured from their diseases…why else would people that have gone thru med school and vet school decide to do alternative therapies?? because they actually cure the patient.:smiley: Yes…please feel sorry for my friend who was cured of her fibro after 4 YEARS OF HELL taking steroids for the pain, with no relief…until she went with alternatives.-2 weeks later–count them TWO, and her pain was gone-yep bunch of garbage :lol:

You mean aside from the fact it’s ripping folks off and giving them false hope and profiting from that???

sounds like the pharmaceutical companies you’re talking about.

Keep doing the same and you’ll keep getting the same… so try something different!

I think you’re getting it! what’s the harm in trying something different?? If what you’re doing isn’t working!

Tell you what…those that are suffering, I’ll work with 3 people here-telling you what I’d do-I won’t profit one dime off of this, and if you’re not better in 1 month-I will reimburse you for what I suggested you do. How’s that for putting my money where my mouth is?? :yes:
Would you do that thomas??? I actually CARE about helping people—you just want to add sarcasm and pettyness to the chat.
pm me if you are interested.

My Aunt was a wonderful woman who you can’t even imagine being anywhere close to the person she was…so don’t even go there.[/QUOTE] Now you brought her into the heat of the kitchen.

No wonder you ended up this way.
Thank you.

and most all have been cured from their diseases…why else would people that have gone thru med school and vet school decide to do alternative therapies?? because they actually cure the patient.:smiley:
The plural of data isn’t anecdote!

There’s no empiracle or scientific evidence to substantiate this ridiculous false claim!

Yes…please feel sorry for my friend who was cured of her fibro after 4 YEARS OF HELL taking steroids for the pain, with no relief…until she went with alternatives.-2 weeks later–count them TWO, and her pain was gone-yep bunch of garbage :lol:
yeh right. I look forward to reading the peer group reviewed case study.

sounds like the pharmaceutical companies you’re talking about.
You mean the ones who are subjected to regulation, licencing, control, evidencing efficacy etc etc etc.

Then there’s these self trained alternative healers…

I think you’re getting it!
No you’re wrong. You’re not thinking or getting it!

Tell you what…those that are suffering, I’ll work with 3 people here-telling you what I’d do-I won’t profit one dime off of this, and if you’re not better in 1 month-I will reimburse you for what I suggested you do. How’s that for putting my money where my mouth is?? :yes:
Get your butt over here then and I’ll cancel my next consultant’s appointment.

Would you do that thomas???
No I wouldn’t. I’ll give you that. I’ve never seen it as fit and proper to do something I’m not trained or competent to do. I can’t stand it when folks who are self trained or might have hung out with someone or had a go at something set off with gusto and enthusiasm to lay false claims and false hope.

I actually CARE about helping people—you just want to add sarcasm and pettyness to the chat.
pm me if you are interested.
Are you allowed to tout for customers on a horse bulletin board? Indeed are you allowed to treat people or is it so unregulated over there that you can go from messing about with horses to medical treatment in people?

Precisely what qualification do you have? What training have you done? What makes you competent to practice medicine and treatment? What regulation are you subject to?

Hey, could you two stop your pissing match, or take it to PM’s so those of us who actually have fibro don’t have to wade thru everything to try to find some interesting/important information? Please!

So you’re actually really on a horse bulletin board trying to find some important about fibromyalgia!!!

Might I recommend this:

No, Thomas, but I am always curious about what my peers have to say about it. Right now my doctor asked ME to see what other horse peeps w/fibro were experiencing on Cymbalta and Lyrica… horse people are more active than most and she thinks their input may be helpful in deciding which one to try first.

thomas I’m not here to diagnose or treat anything, I’m just trying to help those here, the same way good friends have been helped. I apologize for this ‘pissing match’, it was never my intention. My intention has only been to give people something to look into, something that has helped many people I know!
the same way that people here are telling others about the drugs they are on which have or haven’t helped-are they ‘treating’ others? No.

If anyone here would like more info on what I know has helped many…then pm me, as I said, I gain nothing from this.

It is remarks like that, which tempt me think all massage/alternative practitioners are bigotted quacks such as your remarks seem to show you to be.

Except, unlike you, I actually have done my research and know this is not always true. And because I have done my research with good alternative practitioners, as an MD, I share my multidisciplinary clinic space with many complementary medicine specialists.

Please provide ANY proof that “most doctors…are not allowed to mention” natural remedies. Or even ANY proof that “most doctors” are “under the thumb of pharmaceutical companies”.

Kindly cease this defamatory behavior.