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Spayed, home-body barn kitty.... why would she leave for a week?

Our Goose, a very senior cat (she’s at least 13) has disappeared for MONTHS, and then be there one morning meowing for breakfast like nothing’s happened. She’s usually very skinny when this happens so I don’t think she has an alternate family. She’s a ferocious hunter, not uncommon for her to come trotting up with a full grown rabbit to lay at your feet.
We’ve gotten over the angst about it-- she’s the sweetest cat but absolutely terrified of being indoors. So we let her continue living the life she wants, knowing that one day she won’t come home.


Okay you guys make me feel better about my cat bolting out the door and staying out all night. My cat doesn’t like me much anyway and was stressed out by my sick senior kitty. She has decided that bolting out the door right before a major snow storm and a month before I move was a great idea .

Ginger Hall (chipped 4 yo fixed tom) was a house cat until he figured out how to use the dog door. Then he became an indoor/outdoor cat. The barn cat, Zack, did not like Ginger hanging out in the barn, but he did anyway.

Ginger would often disappear for 3 or 4 days at a time, and then show up again as if nothing had happened. So when he disappeared at the beginning of October I wasn’t particularly worried. But weeks passed and he did not show up. We called animal control, and posted on local social media with no luck.

The week before Christmas (almost 3 months later) he walked in through the dog door as if nothing had happened. He was a little thin, but otherwise fine. We now keep the door to the mudroom (where the dog door is) closed so he can’t get out again.