Speak to me about saddles..

Tried a Dakota brand saddle on my QH last year, seat seemed to me to be hard as a brick. Person selling it said his horse was having back issues. Not sure if it was the saddle.

I just bought a Cashel western saddle, made in the USA by Martin Saddlery. Fits my horse well, seat is soft and cushy. HUGE bonus, it only weighs 25 lbs!! They are over $1,500.00 new, scored mine off ebay for quite a bit less.

I’m not a huge fan of saddles like that, they do tend to push riders in to more of a chair seat. Also looks fairly padded in the seat, which I’m not a fan of either, I prefer a hard seat (unpopular opinion, I know). Another question on this one, it only comes in 2 sizes (17 and 18"), do you need a saddle that large? A lot of TWH I’ve worked with have had short backs so the smaller the better on the saddle.

I have found a lightweight Tex-Tan saddle in really good shape (used and made really well) and it should fit my horse. Fits me and I like sitting in it which is great. The good thing is that if it doesn’t fit the owner of the shop will work with me on finding one that will.

This long time enlgish rider is getting really excited about going back to western for the majority of my riding.