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Spinal Fusion

Just finding this thread and checking in with you OP - how are you doing?

I had my L4-S1 fused in Jan 2019. As others have said, the first month was horrible - no sleep, pain, etc. I think as riders, we are naturally less patient and eager to get back to our normal life’s quicker than most are. Horsewomen for the most part are more independent and not easy patients! That being said, this is something you can’t rush and it does take time.

I eased back into the saddle in Sept of last year with just getting on and walking around, did a small trail here and there but no jumping. This spring I was back into riding occasionally but work, barn life etc always took precedence. I did find that jumping hurt (small x) but then I started walking for up to 2mi a day and that helped tremendously! Once the strength returned to my lower body, my back didn’t take the brunt of holding me upright once again and riding has gotten much more comfortable!

So after 18mos I only need Advil once in a while and take a Gapopentin when needed after mowing, mucking etc. Hope you’re doing well and able to see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

Be well )O(