Spinoff: Thoroughbred Beauty Contest

There are some amazing riders posting in this thread!

I am not one of them. :rofl:


Aww. I especially love the picture of the dog on the horse. It’s always nice when our four-legged friends get along with each other!


You don’t have to twist my arm!

Here’s my former lease horse, now living the life of luxury doing walk-trot lessons at nearly 28. He’s still sound as the day is long. Never raced— he’s been a show horse nearly his entire life!


I always love to share photos of my old guy, gone now for almost 3 years. I owned him for a long time and knew him even longer. Even though I loved him, I don’t know if I would have gone out looking for another if I’d ever been in the position for a new horse :joy: I think I just got lucky that we were each other’s “person”.



This is my guy, JC Mula Wild. He’s 8 and an aspiring hunter princess (we’ve decided it’s a gender neutral term)


“Smile for the camera, everybody!” :joy: :sparkling_heart:


I have seen multiple other horses from his sire Tourist that are all carbon copy dark bays, big blazes and socks…part of me is always tempted to acquire a whole herd of them - but then I remember that they may also share personality traits and maybe one is enough :joy:.


Love his JC name!

I’m dying to know what his show/barn names were.

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Okay, I’ll play! Not a hunter but you can definitely see the influences in my position. :rofl:

Best condition he’s ever been in - had so many dapples going into that event!

I had only learned this course about 30 seconds earlier, so there was a mild amount of panic going around. :sweat_smile:


We had a horse w Clever Trick. He was very, very nice.


Here is my In Reality gift from God.


He’s survived two surgeries for strangulating lipomas. I’d sell a kidney for this horse. He’s by Believe It and out of Martoon. Believe It is by In Reality.


That front end! :heart_eyes:


This forum helped me when I was horse shopping over a decade ago and found this guy as a 3 year old. I don’t mind his quirks and he covers my weaknesses, I got lucky with this one!! :heart:


I have to say you are really rocking the classic balanced position there on top of the jump. Great photo!!


Some really lovely horses and riders here! I love an excuse to share some of these pictures, so here we go…

By Winslow Homer, with Blushing Groom on the dam side. He might have been the world’s worst racehorse - ran once at 2, twice at 3 and earned a whopping $400 total. :joy: He unsurprisingly didn’t have the motor for eventing, so I bought him as a coming 6yo to be my hunter. Last year was his first season showing. He seemed to enjoy bopping around our local schooling series with my trainer and I, so we’ll see what this year holds! He also loves a good trail ride or obstacle challenge, so it’s been fun to get to do a little bit of lots of things with him.


JC Portkey - he’ll be 19 this year and I’ve had him since 2011 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We’ve done a bit of everything at the schooling show level - hunters, jumpers, eq, derbies, dressage, CTs, eventing, sidesaddle, and lots of trails. We’ve also evented at our provincial level.


I should have included his JC name: Red Chili Slew. Perfect for a New Mexico-bred who is very red and a little spicy. But I, and everyone else in the world, tend to read it as “Red Chili Stew” so couldn’t keep it as his barn or show name lol! :rofl:


I showed him as Mister Hi. His barn name is one of the funniest things about him. When he first came into our barn, he didn’t have a name, so it was always “go ride that new horse” “someone get that new horse out” so he just became New. And so he was for the rest of his life, even when he was decidedly old not new :smile:. One of my favorite stories and a cautionary tale to anyone who refers to a horse by a characteristic and not a name for too long. We also currently have a horse that was purchased for a client, bought from the horse’s breeder, who is called Baby because he never got a different name than “the baby horse”. He’s now 20 and still called Baby.


Everybody has such fanatic pictures! Love the jumping but the still shots are my favorite. Thoroughbreds have the most expressive eyes and that ‘look of the eagles’.

@Sarah616 OMG! The pic of you two standing in the lane with the autumn colors and your horses stunning white coat :heart::white_heart::heart: