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Stall bedding & a disgusting gelding

Farm & tractor store, Agway near me always has large and small bales in stock. I believe the big box home improvement centers with large garden departments, like Lowes, also carry bulk peat.

I agree. I’ve worked places that barely use any shavings too and you basically end up stripping the stall every day because the pee runs everywhere and wets all the bedding. In the end you probably end up spending more on shavings because you strip the stall every day and it ends up taking more of your time to clean it.

I have used the pellets mixed with fine wood shavings as bedding before because I don’t really like the look of pellets. It actually works very well to mix the 2 types of bedding. You end up getting the best of both worlds.

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We had an extremely wet gelding at one barn. He’d drink and then pee almost immediately. It was an exorbitant amount of urine.

We put bank sand down in the stall - about 6" deep, packed and then added 10 bags of wood pellets that had been wet down in a wheelbarrow, first. Worked beautifully. Added a 40lb bag each week.

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