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Standlee compressed forage

I used to feed Standlee compressed bales here in Central Fl.- 4-5 years ago and back then I was paying $22. per bale for Alf. or Timothy.

Also a former PNW horse owner. I can second that the hay is really greener out there. I know many people who would turn their noses up at the stuff I’m feeding now.

I will say it does depend on the variety of hay the shade of green. Orchard will be neon to a bright seafoam. Timothy will be a bit more green/yellow. Tall fescue was mostly yellow but if you got a good bale it would have some green left in the stems.


After leaving the PNW, those heavy bales are not missed… Here you either get 40-60 lb bales or big squares or rounds (1000#). I have not yet seen the EWA three string 125# bale type here. And as I age, that’s a good thing! I put mine up as a mix of small and rounds.

And yes, that PNW hay is very green! My hay is pretty green too for the most part. Hay in the area varies. A lot of people go for volume over quantity, so you get over mature hay and that’s not very green. And orchard is less popular here than out west. I have an orchard mix and my neighbor puts up some spectacular orchard/alfalfa that is green green green. He harvests at the right time.