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Steroid-induced laminitis

Years ago I had a medium pony who developed a bit of a cough. Vet came out and prescribed Dex. I asked about laminitis risk just given the fact he was a pony. Vet said it’s a low dose, don’t worry. Never had issues before re: EMS. No cresty neck no fat pads no hoof issues. One week later he could barely walk out of the stall. Rotation in both front feet. Spent the rest of his life managing him. He recovered but the Dex was the tipping point.

Fast forward to a couple years ago. Had an old QH with severe end stage heaves. Tried everything. Including expensive inhalers, bronchial dilators etc Vet said to try short course of IM steroids. He was gasping for air and almost 30 years old. After a couple weeks I felt a digital pulse in both front feet. Quit the Dex. The threat is real.

Prednisolone is an option if you really want to try a steroid, but really want to avoid dex.