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Sticking my head in from H/J land to say, "Hi, I'm going to my first dressage show and I'm terrified!" (Update: post 55!)

Thank you! It is an Arion: https://www.arion-hst.com/. I switched over to their saddles as well back in May and love the product.

Great job going with the flow and how the horse felt.

I have a 5 year old who is very lazy but away from home usually needs a 5 minute lunge to get his brain and legs moving at the same speed. If you are doing Intro and Training and your horse might need a quick lunge to get the wiggles out, keep with the idea of just doing a 15 minute under saddle warm up after the lunge, especially with a normally lazy horse. At those levels, the warm up just to check you can go forward, stop, and turn. Fixing anything else in the warm up isnā€™t going to have a big impact on the test.

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Exactly, it was perfectly timed. Post-lunge, we had just the right amount of time to do a few transitions, make sure he was actively listening, walk for a bit (did I mention it was HOT? :hot_face: ), and review the test.

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Oh congratulations! You two look amazing! What a neck that can be developed!

Iā€™m so glad you two had such a good experience at your first show! Huzzahh! :smiley:

ETA: We now expect updates at subsequent shows.


I havenā€™t gotten through this thread yet but it is perfect, thank you. Exactly what I need to read.


Great report, lovely looking horse, and you look HOT! :slight_smile:

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Dressage will help your H/J ridability so much! Congrats :tada:


Beware H/J OP: you might just get hooked on this dressage thingā€¦its happened to others.


Soā€¦why did you switch to their saddles? And what did you switch from? Thank you.

I switched from a CWD. I actually heard the founder on the Plaid Horse podcast and was really impressed with the way he talked about customer service and saddle design, so I had the rep out with zero expectations - she sold three saddles in my barn on that day and has sold two more since. Everyone whoā€™s sat in one has loved it and the rep was able to craft a panel that works for my high-withered jumper and the other horses I ride (with padding adjusted as needed). As a bonus, their turnaround time for a full custom is just four weeks.

Thank you! I filled out the form asking for a rep to contact me.

Iā€™m not sure how I feel about a company that makes a double bridle with an attached flash.


Wow. They even show it on a horse with the flash under the curb. :astonished: