Sun 4/23 60 Minutes: segment on timber steeplechasing & horse Senior Senator

The Hunt Cup overnight is out!

2015 winner Raven’s Choice isn’t running, eventer Jennie Brannigan is riding Joshua G and Hunt Cup veteran Guts for Garters isn’t on the program.

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Hunt Cup Productions (HCP)'s video replay of Saturday’s race: 115th edition of the Grand National Steeplechase

I’m so glad they did such a nice piece. You can always depend on 60 Minutes to stay above board. As an eventer, I have to admit, I almost burst a gut laughing when the one jockey was listing his numerous past injuries. Timber racing looks like a blast to watch. I’ll have a make a trip one year.

Joe Clancy’s Jumping Around podcast today featured Senior Senator’s trainer Joe Davies telling the story of how the rascally gelding was claimed for $7500 and blossomed into a steeplechasing star. I love the bit about exercising him by letting him jump out of his paddock :lol:


Thank you so much for posting that video; what a thrill!