T-10 Compression Fracture

I did T5-T7, riding accident. About 2 months in a brace (not sure if it helped), another couple of months of PT, then riding, felt back to normal after about 6 months.

I was told it was best not to do high impact activities while the bone is still mending and I was not really allowed to do much activity. The PT helped me a lot, actually. I had a lot of difficulty turning my neck (not to mention spine) after the accident and them stretching me/massaging me seemed like the only way I could get over that hump.

During my initial recovery I really didn’t do much (no barn chores, certainly) but yes just about everything hurt (sitting, lying, standing). It took maybe 5-6 months to feel fully comfortable. I also did a couple ribs in the accident, though, which at least initially were the most painful part.

I didn’t have that injection, mine wasn’t compressed enough, but I know someone who did and was happy with the results.

I have seen a neurosurgeon, and had a MRI done today. I will meet with the neurosurgeon next week, to find out what the MRI showed. And then hopefully I can get something done that gives me some relief.