Taking off hind boots after the round

I mean… what findeight said… plenty of stuff happening on your side of the fence too. Not to mention, those rowel spurs ain’t so pleasant and pretty common on the Western side.

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Ehhh…the idea is not to have to jam the rowel into the horse who is trained to respond well before any spur is needed. They are for looking cool and show dressing.

Almost never see spur marks on the Western side compared to many spur “rubs’ on the H/J side. No, some have their dirty little secrets but you won’t see them sparkling on boot heels or hear them jingling.


OMG, thank you for posting that link. I accidently own a pair of hind boots with a raised round part as shown in the article. TG I never used them. They are going in the trash.


Plenty of hunters warm up in pinch boots, unfortunately.

Boots that people who can’t train horses properly use, disgraceful if they are allowed.

Does anyone else remember the video of the rider in an FEI class (years ago) who was taken aside by the judges when his horse jumped very unnaturally high behind? It was clear that his horse was responding to something about the boots. I think he was a rider from South America. I can’t remember clearly but I think he may have been disqualified.

I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that USEF banned them as well as the FEI. @Janet?

I was told by USEF that there is no discussion so far, about following the FEI lead in testing noseband tightness, so maybe they haven’t followed the FEI lead in banning pinch boots either.

USEF JP111 5-B

“For classes to be included in the USEF Ranking List, the following will also apply to hind boots during and
while schooling for the class. Fasteners may only be Velcro, stud type, or hook type. No mechanism that
allows the fastener to double back on itself or any kind of leverage to be applied to the fastener is
permitted. No additional elements may be added to or inserted in the boot itself. The inside of the boot
must be non-abrasive and smooth, that is, the surface must be even and there may not be any pressure
points on the inside of the boot. Sheepskin linings are allowed.”

So, apparently “pinch boots” are allowed in the EQ but not in big time jumper classes.

I thought we were talking about in the show ring.

And for the record, no one I know uses them, so I guess I would not know about people using them in warm-up.

Question…if you use pinch boots often can the effect lessen and/or horse simply learn to tolerate it? That is true with some other gimmicks and tricks, like the novelty wears off if overused.

I’ve only seen them once or twice in warmup ring when there’s been a few that were warming up for big derbies. So I’d imagine it’s more for the 3’6+ people vs the 3’er’s.
It’s not super typical like it is for the jumpers, but now that some of the bigger GP riders are doing international derbies and bigger hunter qualifiers, I’d imagine it could get to be more commonplace.

We might be recalling 2 different occasions, but the same thing happened to Richard Vogel last (?) year at WEF. He was not disqualified, but he was spoken to.

It wasn’t him that I was remembering. I’m sorry that people are still doing this.

I’ll try to find the video.

From what I understand the boots are against the rules in FEI and USEF ranking classes. Is USEF doing a boot check?

I know this. I said Hunter Jumper. It’s the whole discipline that I’m referring to