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Can you post a link to that image? Little circle sounds a lot like my horse’s OCD…

Here, see if you’re able to view them using this link…https://goo.gl/photos/g5bnQEMSJUobThmS9

I honestly can’t even find the lesion on these…I saw it when he pointed it out to me, but now for the life of me I can’t find it again! Maybe you’ll have better luck :wink:

And just because I think radiographs are neat to look at…here are her hocks:

And here is her back…

No, sorry, not a pro at reading xrays. I just couldn’t see hardly anything and the injections did nothing for her. She’s also never been ataxic, neurological or anything that specifically points to cervical arthritis.

Oh ok I gotcha! Yeah, mine isn’t displaying any neuro symptoms either, thankfully! But it’s so hard not knowing the severity of it. Sometimes I wonder if it’s as bad as it seems, but it might be since I’ve often thought she was the stoic type. Wish I could just ask her, geez it would make life much easier :lol: