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The A circuit, dos, donts, advice?

If you use hoof polish instead of hoof oil, use the clear, not the black! The clear polish is a viable alternative at shows where there are a lot of dusty areas.

Last thing, remember to enjoy the whole experience. Rated shows are often a great chance to see some top riders and horses up close. Go watch some bigger classes and learn from what you see and from the judging. Meet people and enjoy the exhibitors’ party.

[QUOTE=Night Flight;8247564]
It would definitely help to hear specific things that you would like to learn more about, OP!

Shows at all the levels can vary a lot from location to location in terms of what is normal (and the terminology used can vary greatly, too!).

I’ve tried to compile as many showing how-tos as I can think of on my blog (http://showringready.blogspot.com) but there’s so much out there that those of us who have been around the ‘A’ circuit for a while forgot that we ever had to learn.

If you have specific questions to ask (and even better, a rough location), you’ll have a much better chance of absorbing as much relevant COTH knowledge as you might need.[/QUOTE]

Hello, I will be showing in Alberta, Canada, at Rocky Mountain Show Jumping.

And what in particular would you like to know about showing on the ‘A’ circuit?

RMSJ posts a lot on Facebook so you can easily browse to see what others are wearing and what the venue and jumps look like, for a start.

Be very careful of what supplements you feed your horse. Many herbals are on the forbidden substance list, and a seemingly innocent smart pack can get you in trouble! Check the USEF’s website for that list.

Make sure that you follow EC’s prohibited substances list rather than the USEF’s, OP, because certain substances are allowed in the US but not here in Canada.

You can find the links to various medication resources here: http://showringready.blogspot.com/2012/08/equine-medications-resources.html

OMG I refuse to buy a yoga mat to keep my horse’s feet dust-free. I draw the line!

OMG I refuse to buy a yoga mat to keep my horse’s feet dust-free. I draw the line![/QUOTE]

And you call yourself a horsewoman? :rolleyes: