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The Comeback Kid! (Edited 1/17/22)

Some of you know Abby, my 27 year old medical anomaly. If there is weirdness to be found, she will find it.

She is currently admitted to the university hospital for what initially presented as a colic. Vet on the farm thought displacement, at the hospital they initially thought strangulation. But now it doesn’t appear to be any of those things and may or may not be a colic at all.

Things are touch and go. They are doing some more diagnostics today. I can’t be there because covid… ugh.

So if you have some jingles, Abby could use them. In the 8 years I’ve owned her she has come back from an open fracture, a traumatic brain injury, a mess of a lacerated tendon, a bout of neurological problems of unknown etiology, mystery blindness, and who knows what else. Yet you would never know it from looking at her. I’m hoping she has more fight left in her. :heart:


Jingles from me. Abby sounds like a real trooper and I hope she can pull through this as well. Waiting and worrying is so difficult, and I’m sorry you’re both going through this.

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Come on Abby. Fight, girl, fight. Earn your place in the textbook, but come on home first!


Aw man, come on Abby, you’ve got this!!

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Jingles for Abby and you

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Internal hemorrhaging. That’s what she’s dealing with. :woman_facepalming: The prognosis is guarded.

Once she was clipped for her abdominal u/s they thought they could even see the localized swelling from what was likely a kick.

Excuse me while I go murder my alpha mare, who has been calling for her missing BFF all day as if she wasn’t the one to literally try to kill her.


Oh no! Big fat jingles for you and Abby. I’ll go ahead and catch your alpha mare for you so you can give her a stern talking through :laughing:

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Horses get kicked all the time. But only Abby would get kicked and need a blood transfusion. :woman_facepalming:

That emoji is an actual portrait of me every day since Abby has come into my life. God bless her.


Huge Hoosier Jingles for Abby.
Sympathetic smaller jingles for Ms Alpha, who surely didn’t mean to kick her into the hospital :persevere:

@Texarkana A friend owned a (chestnut) mare who had so many weird illnesses/injuries her vet said she should be featured in the Merck Manual.
Sounds like Abby could be a contender for the title. :expressionless:


C’mon Abby! Jingling madly in PA!

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Oh wow. Abby, now you gotta get better so you can kick that alpha mare’s ass!!


Texarkana, so sorry to read this. Horses can be such a rollercoaster of emotions for us.

Many strong, healing thoughts and wishes for Abby and :hugs: for you.


Lots of jingles! Sounds like she has a good track record of overcoming stuff like this, so my money is on her. :slight_smile:

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Thank goodness they found the problem and can begin treatment. Jingles and :pray:.

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Jingle Jingle Jingle :horse: :heart::horse::heart::horse::heart::horse::heart:

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Jingles for Abby!!!

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Hang in there @Texarkana. Hoping for the best!

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Jingles they can help her out!

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Yikes! Bumping up the jingles!!

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Now that my adrenaline levels are coming back down since this all started ~22 hours ago…

How does a horse get kicked so hard it almost kills her, yet doesn’t even leave an external mark? I’m pretty diligent, not to mention she had multiple vets and nurses going over her with a fine tooth comb. None of us noticed any swelling. It wasn’t until she was clipped and they were looking for a cause did they notice swelling.

No kidding. Guess what color Abby is?

When I used to subscribe to horse magazines way back when, I remember they used to always have heartwarming stories of horses beating the medical odds on the last page. I think Abby needs an entire issue dedicated to her medical miracles. Or her own publication: The Journal of Chestnut Mare Anomalies