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The first week with an adopted dog?

He is a handsome Dobby. Continued progress on him coming out of his shell.


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Congratulations!! He has a very sweet look. I look forward to hearing how he is in the future, once he can show his whole personality.

I’m sorry to say this did not have the ending I wanted. We returned him to the humane society today (before the foster trial was up) I’m heartbroken and honestly feel terrible about it. But my health is dicey right now and in a week I’m traveling to a hospital in a another state 16 hours away. They are a no kill shelter. Sorry Freddy/Dobby :cry:

I am so sorry to hear.

You need to concentrate on yourself to be able to look after others.

Dobby has experienced your kindness and now knows it exists. It will help him with his next family.