The Saudi Cup!

I had a feeling they would have problems getting paid for the Saudi Cup. The officials are in a tough spot though, will be interesting to see how this plays out in the end. I am not sure if having them on tape talking about injecting him before the race is proof enough that they actually went through with it. They may have to just leave the race in limbo until they develop a test for the “drug” that they can test the split sample against.

That’s really the issue, isn’t it?They can’t find against West’s unless they have a smoking gun, and right now, they’ve got nothing that is specific to the race in question.

I don’t know how interested the West’s are in lawyering up against the Saudi racing system, but that’s where this is, right now.

I wonder what the Saudi Jockey Club expects to find (in their own investigation) that the FBI hasn’t already found.

Frankly I wish all the racing officials who have turned a blind eye for so long that the FBI had to step in, were the ones who were feeling stupid right now. But unfortunately they all think they’re doing a good job. :rolleyes:

I’m thinking that if they try, the case will be heard where the race was held: in Saudi Arabia.

So…good luck with that.

Yes, the West’s can try suing Saudi Arabia until the cows come home. It will get them nowhere.