Thorpedo Anna: Bone Splinter Removed from Jaw


There is a facebook link for a video of the procedure.

I like the prop to hold her head up. My vet always used my shoulder, which was then sore for a few days.

Also, I like the transparency of how this was handled.


My vet/dentist uses a pulley, usually attached to the top frame of the stall door


I’d imagine this is an opposing POV, but I don’t understand why transparency is necessary when a trainer does something for the welfare of his horse. In this case, I’d imagine Ken McPeek wanted to get ahead of the social media outcry that would inevitably take place when a vet tech tweeted, “Thorpedo Anna is at the clinic!” But I don’t see why this is anyone’s business, aside from the owner and trainer.


You are absolutely correct, it is truly nobody’s business but the horse and her peeps. However, in this era of social media insanity I am sure if there were a report that she was at a clinic, she would soon be reported as dead or dying.

i think it’s a way to convey that not all trainers are rat bastards running horses into the ground with no regard for their overall well-being (the ignorant keyboard warrior population). There’s so much negative press that positive press is always (ok sometimes) a good idea. I follow a trainer on FB based in England who is a) hysterical and b) very transparent about what’s up with various horses in the yard. It’s fascinating.


Please name names :slight_smile:

Jo Davis racing

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I kind of like the transparency. its great education for the uneducated public and hopefully she’ll be a lot more comfortable in the long run

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