@Ridethroughit23 I love this thread. I’m not in those groups you mention on FB but I think we all agree that brief periods of an ear pin, tension, balking, spooking is normal. They are flight animals. But I doubt a “moment” here and there is what we’re talking about, right?
Leading vets like Sue Dyson showing poor behavior with pro and amateur riders but still showing something is wrong. Sharon May-Davis with her many years of research documenting the problems with C6 C7 - and getting death threats. You know you’re onto something when you’re getting death threats.
The Eq-Soma Osteology and Anatomy Learning Center women who are composting and dissecting horses donated to them that had a history of poor behavior and finding horrific physical problems.
And yes, we’ve all seen riders who are the issue. Pulling on the reins, slamming on their back, saddles/bridles/bits that pinch. We see poor posture and movement. OMG imagine if every horse could get started correctly, handled and ridden well, lots of turnout and socializing, properly fed, and feet in balance.
I bought a mare 30 years ago who was GRUMPY. Didn’t want grooming, nipped for many reasons, irritated about any leg pressure, and lots of grumpy faces. Some people around me and even vets said “She’s just a mare, just a witch, unwilling, stubborn, just her personality.”
I’d grown up with happy horses and my gut knew better. Finally found a vet who asked if I’d had a dental specialist in her mouth. The local equine vet had done a thorough exam, complete with a speculum and said her teeth were fine. Well, hauled her to Dr. Tom Allen, DVM (RIP Tom) and he found a fractured molar. It had calcified under the gum line - she’d had it for years. We got that tooth out and guess who became the sweetest and most willing horse? Yep. She would do anything for me. I also found a Jack Meagher trained bodyworker and after that tooth was out he was working on her and she stretched down like a dog or cat does in the morning. Right during the bodywork. She had years of mental and physical tension to release. And she did.
I got a mustang a year ago and right from the start there were all kinds of odd behaviors. Didn’t want to be groomed. Walking away if I tried. Nipping at me if I insisted. Even just the flat of my hand stroking him was aversive. I’m still only using the very softest of soft Haas brush and still getting a no. And he bucked lots more often than normal. He also let me know he wasn’t happy if I got on him. In the back of my head was my mare 30 years ago. Something is wrong.
First found a bad tooth and extracted. Then a FEC of 2100, and now a recent PSSM2 dx, and the latest…needs a root canal on an incissor. He started shaking his head and holding his mouth open. Dammit. But, maybe this is IT. Finally. Because as you know trying to figure this stuff out is stressful. It’s exhausting at times.
Now, imagine if from the beginning I just said said he was lazy, stubborn and unwilling and sent him to someone to get a bunch of wet saddle blankets? You know, work it out of him. What if I hadn’t doggedly pursued WHY and WHAT could be causing them?
I still have a good chance at a horse that will give me his heart because I’ll figure this out and get him feeling good. And then…magic carpet rides. That’s my vision. He’s already demonstrated great willingness in many ways. Lunging beautifully with a saddle, noisy bags hanging on the side, a good feel in hand, and runs up to me in the pasture. VERY willing where he is able. I believe he knows I’m trying.
I wrap up with an awesome Ted Talk by Carl Safina:
He wrote the book, Beyond Words, and the middle of page 27 is haunting:
"Even the most informed, logical inferences about animals motivations, emotions, and awareness could wreck your professional prospects. The mere question could. In the 1970’s, a book humbly titled The Question of Animal Awareness caused such an uproar that many behaviorists relegated its author, Donald Griffin, to the fringes of the profession. Griffin was no upstart; he’d been famous for decades as the luminary who’d solved the problem of how bats use sonar to navigate. So he was a bit of a genius, actually. But raising the Question was simply too much for many orthodox colleagues.
Suggesting that other animals can feel anything wasn’t just a conversation stopper; it was a career killer. In 1992, readers of the exclusive journal Science were warned by one academic writer that studying animal perceptions “isn’t a project I’d recommend to anyone without tenure. It was no joke. Seriously.”
That’s our history. It’s time for change and it’s happening.