Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

Your post disappeared but I caught the gist of it. Not surprised.
I hope you aren’t bombarded. We’ve seen this with other methods and groups before.

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I was trying to PM you but I haven’t really used that feature and was then concerned I had posted them publicly :woozy_face:

I haven’t paid her any money, agreed to anything, and the screenshots I posted were from a public FB page :woman_shrugging: she’s welcome to take her best shot at me. I understand why other people might not want to share, and that’s fine.


Oh I understand. It did go through but I know it can look kind of confusing. Either way at least saw the one post so I appreciate it.

I’m of the same mind frame of you. Details matter. Facts matter. Even if it’s not relevant to the method at hand. It speaks to someone’s character. And on a whole I think it’s important for society. I think social media is creating a space where people kind of just make up whatever they want. Just in general. And I think for society as a whole not even just horsemanship related, facts are important.

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I wasn’t sure if you deleted the PM because of threats or something. Glad that is not the case!!

I really applaud you for standing up as you did.

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Nope, just not the most forum savvy :rofl: getting better with practice!

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Why lie about your credentials? Ugh.

From what I can tell on the interwebz, her only work as a “licensed trauma-informed healthcare provider specializing in sexual and domestic violence abuse” is as a massage therapist. Someone please correct me if I missed something.

No offense meant to massage therapists, and any time your job involves laying your hands on another person’s body it’s important to have their consent, but … she’s being intentionally misleading about her role and that’s pretty sketchy behavior.

I am an actual healthcare provider, and I’m pretty sure being truthful and honest is Dealing With Traumatized Patients 101.


It’s definitely interesting to compare her variety of claims on different platforms…



Anyone else wondering about the validity of this statement? (both parts - human and horse)


Are horse massage therapists licensed? Licenses are usually a state thing and I believe human massage therapists are licensed in my state, but I’d be very surprised if horse massage had a licensing board. She probably means that she took a course and got certified in whatever technique they taught, which is of course not the same as being a licensed professional.


She is not a licensed massage therapist in Washington state. And the university she claims to have done “pre-vet” at …doesn’t have a vet program. :roll_eyes:


Let’s put it this way, I doubt she has done this, “Register through the International Federation of Registered Equine Massage Therapists (IFREMT). This registration indicates the therapist has completed a 2,200-hour program and board exams through the IFREMT.” * since I can’t even find her registered anywhere as a licensed human massage therapist.

But maybe I’m not doing proper searches in my quick procrastination peeks? … or maybe she and a certain other lawyer wannabe feel the same that having taken some courses, maybe done everything just short of actually becoming licensed, is the same thing as actually being licensed? <- semi-humorous speculation there :slight_smile:

*from a school in my province:



But, hey, looking on the bright side, since I showed at breed shows across the border and have trained horses to PSG/I1 level, by her reasoning, I should call myself an international FEI-level dressage trainer, right? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Pre-vet is not related to any vet school - it’s just the courses you take at any school to meet the requirements for entrance to a vet school :slight_smile:


Pre-vet is usually not a specific major, just a cluster of prerequisites, which could certainly be completed during the course of getting a bachelor’s in animal science. However, it doesn’t mean you in any way have veterinary training, or that you are any more a veterinarian than a random kid who just finished college with a biology degree. “Pre-vet” just means you went to undergrad and took some science classes.


I took several “pre-vet” classes when I was an animal science major. It meant nothing, and 90% of the students in those classes were not veterinarian material (including me). Taking a few undergrad classes is a far cry from acquiring a B.S. with the grades needed to be considered for vet school admission.


I understand what pre-vet classes are but I still maintain that it’s sketchy AF and intentionally misleading to say “pre-vet Doctor of Veterinary Medicine” at a specific university that doesn’t offer a DVM program. Does she have a BS in Animal Science? Possibly, although given her penchant for inflating the rest of her credentials I am sort of starting to doubt that claim as well :woman_shrugging:


Are you responding to me? I agree with you - pre-vet is just coursework. It’s not related to vet school beyond the idea that it is generally one of several prerequisites for admission.

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Sure, but you had implied it was sketchy in this case because she was pre-vet at a school that didn’t have a vet school. But that in an of itself is not sketchy because the two are unrelated - many universities offer pre-vet courses that don’t have vet schools.

She may be sketchy for a whole host of reasons, but that is not one of them.


I’m not arguing with you; my point is that it is reaaally stretching to infer some credentials. I’ve probably done similar coursework (at a school that does have a veterinary program), and it would never have crossed my mind to say I studied pre-vet, though I did stay at the same U and complete my B.S. with a different major and probably could have grabbed a minor in animal science with another class or two.