Thyroid nodule biopsy anyone?

So sorry nothing conclusive was found or done…but enjoy your saddle shopping!

I don’t even want to look at the cost of my “medicinal shopping”, out of sight is out of mind!

Will be thinking of you…keep us informed.

I had an appointment with the endocrinologist again today - it was scheduled after my first appointment with him, with the intention of discussing the results of the biopsy. Again, he mentioned that the pathology report had some weird things in it. It said that it could be the follicular lesion of undetermined significance, or it could be something else follicular, or it could be medullary thyroid cancer - which is a bad one that would have to be treated aggressively. And then I guess it said on the bottom that it was discussed with other pathologists, and they came to the follicular lesion of undetermined significance diagnosis. (I had the calcitonin bloodwork done to rule out the medullary version, and it came back fine, so that shouldn’t be an issue.)

What I wanted to find out from him was what were the chances of me having half of my thyroid removed versus the whole thyroid. Since I have only a nodule on one side, the half option is definitely viable, and what he would recommend. But when they do the pathology after it was removed and if it came back cancerous, then I would have to go through surgery again as they would want to take the whole thing out. So that is something I will have to carefully consider in the spring should the results come back the same as they did this fall. I guess if it comes back with only one or two markers it might be worth trying to keep the half, but if it comes back with more it probably won’t be worthwhile.

I told him who I would be going to for the next biopsy/pathology and he said that he’s the best pathologist in the city. So that made me feel better about it! Hopefully I get more clear results than the last report.

I hope the others in this thread have received some good news as of late.

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SMR, sounds like overall good news and progress at getting diagnosis and treatment.

I have always figured (and in one case know it to be true :eek:) if the doc’s see something they are very concerned about, they act promptly. For things like this, no news is good news.

Even with routine diagnostics, the tech can’t make the diagnosis (or at least can’t tell you) but if they see something, yeah, that test will go at the top of stack and flagged for attention ASAP.

Many years ago, I recall having a relatively routine procedure (not really thought to be diagnostic at the time), going home and being a happy puppy. Imagine my surprise and concern when my doc calls me numerous times over the weekend to tell me he had the OR booked the following Friday and yay, caught things early :eek: :eek: .

No fiddling around or delay, when there appears to be a problem, at least in my experience, action/reaction is prompt.

Keep us posted on what you decide to do!!


Sounds like you’re getting a bit of a reprieve for the time being and hopefully the next biopsy gives a clearer picture of what’s happening.

My GP has been checking mine once a week when I go in for my weekly RA injections and so far he says it doesn’t appear to have grown, he jokingly says the biopsy scared it into shrinking. I will be going for another ultrasound in Jan/Feb to keep a closer eye on it.

Any news yet Big Mama?

Thinking of you.

Sorry CT - haven’t checked in for a while. As you know things move slowly in the Canadian system when it’s not considered urgent.

I have seen the ENT / surgeon and he ordered a second ultrasound to confirm whether the first one was correct. Same results, category 4b or 4c suspicious. My biopsy is scheduled for next Friday and I see the ENT on Feb 4 to get the results.

He estimates based on the ultrasound a 25-60% chance of it being malignant, but said if it is, the type of cancer that’s most likely is extremely slow growing and rarely spreads.

Am feeling quite anxious the past few weeks waiting - will update when I know the results.

It must depend on the area we live in and how many specialists are available, I had my thyroid biopsy done within a week when they discovered it had grown quite large and quite quickly.

Fingers crossed you have an easy and uneventful biopsy(mine was)and that you get the best possible results.

Please do keep us updated/.

Good luck on Friday!

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That is odd! Did you have a regular biopsy or an ultrasound guided one? My nodule is small - about 1.2cm so it’s not considered urgent but I gather the big wait was because the biopsy needed to be done with ultrasound.

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Thank you!

Sorry, I must have missed where you said you were getting an ultrasound biopsy. I had a regular biopsy, my mass was so big I’m guessing they didn’t need an ultrasound? The mass actually shrank after the biopsy.

Thoughts and prayers are with you Big Mama! Hoping for good news.

Don’t stress over much about the biopsy procedure BigMama - it was no big deal. My head was tipped back to expose my neck so I couldn’t really see anything, and a local was injected so I couldn’t really feel anything. I had three samples taken. My neck was a bit achy for the rest of the day. Just make sure you have some good cover-up to cover up the bruise that looks like a hickey the next day!
The worst part is not knowing - hopefully you will soon have an answer.

It’s wasnt too bad at all. Uncomfortable more than outright painful. Now that the freezing is wearing off the injection sites is quite sore and my neck is stiff, but I booked the whole day off so I could do thinking all day, and tomorrow a snowstorm is forecast so can do more nothing :slight_smile:

now the hard part - wait for results Feb 4

Stay warm and toasty this weekend. It’s hard not to think of it, so I won’t say not to think about it…

Thanks! Was fine all day but for some reason have been quite weepy and fragile feeling all evening. Having a little personal pity party, I guess. Even though it may not even be cancer, and if it is it’s likely one of the “best” cancers to have, it’s still cancer and it’s surreal / terrifying to be even contemplating it.

I broke my “no sugar” pledge and dulled my pain with Lindt truffles. So now I’m feeling fat and sorry for myself :lol:

I just want to go hug my horsey but the storm in the forecast tells me that’s not going to happen this weekend.

Glad it went well with only minor discomfort. I found by keeping myself busy that it wasn’t too hard waiting for the results…but it still isn’t easy.

We have a big storm coming through my area starting tonight as well…stay safe and warm!

Hug your horse, eat that sugar, have a pity party then just get on with your days…as hard as it sounds, you will adjust and accept whatever life throws at you! You’ll be surprised at how strong and positive you can be!

So after way too long a wait to ge the biopsy results they are…inconclusive. Path report says sample is too scant to make a diagnosis. There are some benign follicular cells, but also some suspicious cells.

After 5 months of waiting since the first suspicious ultrasound, my worst fear was that his would happen and that the dr would just want to monitor for a while and biopsy again.

I was so relieved when he said we need to find out what it is and that the only way to do it is to remove it. So I’m scheduled to have half my thyroid removed on March 27. Depending on results we may need to go back and get the other half later, and will have to check the lymph nodes as well, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now at least SOMETHING is happening,

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It must be a relief that your doctor is being proactive and not sitting on this. What are the preparation steps and after care for the surgery? March 27 isn’t that far off so get rested up.