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Tips for hosting CT

Yes, you definitely need a “dedicated” scorer, with no other tasks.

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Be prepared for endlesssssss whining about scores. My advice, make yourself an excell spreadsheet where you can enter and tally scores and show the totals and print easily. I have some I can share if you need them, I used them for my short courses.

Make sure 100% your scorer knows how to score. A friend went to a Short Course/CT this summer and they calculated the penalty points from score wrong. She didnt notice until she got home, so everyones scores were wrong.

Put the scorer in a separate hidden area. Give them a checklist to go over every dressage test with to help with the scoring. I also used to have the jump judge just text the scorer the scores like " #21 - 4 faults. Then we could look back through the texts to see anything missed but also made the scores come in super fast and no need for a runner for scores like dressage.

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I don’t know…the short courses I ran at my place had a XC course with some terrain, hardly anyone had shoes I don’t think anyone had studs and everyone did just fine. Trot poles to BN level and all ages and experience. Never had one slip and fall. Never had anyone not come because of grass footing, always had a tonne of entries and my place was not fancy at all, just well cared for and safe.

I love the idea of a terrain SJ course…it’s the perfect place to start to learn about eventing.

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Also, unless you have a VERY EXPERIENCED scorer, it helps to have a second person to check that the dressage movement scores were entered properly. At a minimum, the scorer should double check the numbers for each dressage test.

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