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Tongue over the bit

Wanted to update that the new bridle (well a combo of different pieces from a cob / horse bridle to fit his funny big little head) and a new bit have made a world of difference.

I’m using a Myler Level Two Loose Ring and he plays a little with the part in the middle but in a happy way. No tongue issues, much better feel - easier to get him relaxed it seems and reaching without bracing / grabbing against me. Our flying changes have been way better too and I think it’s the improved contact.

The D-ring mentioned up thread I also tried and he HATED it. Like, almost as if it were poison. He was having such a fit about it I had to take off the bridle and lead him back to the stable with the reins around the neck only. I have learned he has real opinions about his bits I guess?


Thanks for the update! And yes, you have an opinionated friend. Looks like things are looking up.


I know…I have had that feeling with my mare with a couple bits. OMG, she was just gagging on a Happy Mouth and totally ignoring me. What a horrible feeling. Same thing…get off and pull the bit NOW. I get it…you hate it. I guess I would rather have them tell me than have them stoic and put up with it…until they don’t.

Glad you found something he likes.


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I had a lot of issues with this and my new mare. She had come from a type of riding where they didn’t take contact. When I started to take contact and require her to use herself her tongue went over the bit.

I rode her in a leather bit for about 6 months and she LOVED it. Very mild and she could conform it to her mouth as she liked. It really helped teach her to accept some contact. After that we tried a Turtle Tactio which seems like she likes it as well.

I don’t have any issues with a well fitting noseband, or moving the bit up a hole.

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Couple weeks into the new bit. We can do 4-1 clean and decently well at home so moving on up. This bit change has been fantastic. Happy Lusitano, happy life.