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Top Riders Petition for Right to Wear Top Hats in Competition

I mean, I love the traditional tweed or dark wool jacket when people are riding in the cold and damp (like out in the open in the UK, or at a show with cold weather). But most people’s schedules dictate showing during very hot weather, at least at some point in the year. And every time when it’s 100F in the shade, someone always post proudly that gleeful FB meme about how their trainer won’t permit them to remove their jacket, even if the requirement is waived. :confused: Obviously not as big a risk as riding helmetless, but wearing even a technical jacket when it’s extremely hot and doing an intense physical activity is a health risk. (And I know the hunters had their own kerfuffle, before my time, with the abandonment of unsafe velvet hunt caps without chinstraps).

I like top hats as costumes. Off-horse costumes. So if you’re dressing up as Freddy Eynsford-Hill, go for it. Just not on horseback at a competitive event.


As far as I’m concerned any USA riders shouldn’t get support from USET or the USEF Foundation or whatever we’re calling it these days. I have zero control of that but I have 100% control over where I send my charitable donations.


Big Mamma, your first post is word for word what I was going to say, thank you! I am sorely tempted to write to some of those signers and ask just WTAF they are thinking? So disappointed in people that I heretofore idolized. This topic really makes me question their intelligence. SMH


As above, you dont have to wear a helmet, but you cant show at fei shows, and shouldnt be able to show at national federation shows.

Appreciate that no show jumpers are lobbying to wear a hunt cap :lol::rolleyes:


The current dressage “uniform” dates back to the early 1900’s when civilians were allowed to ride in Olympic competitions (vs military.) The attire was that of a man’s “dress” attire…eg., top hat and tails.

If we want to “evolve”…then best to ditch the tails along with top hats.

Go with standard current athletic wear…eg., go functional…britches, boots and a shirt and helmet.


I was shocked the other day to see a few motorcyclists cruising down the highway…the interstate highway, with no helmets. Got home and googled and saw this: “Jul 14, 2020 — Gov. Mike Parson signed HB 1963 into law, which will ease helmet requirements for motorcyclists over the age of 26”. UhMAZingly dumb. I mean, you have to legislate common sense because some people just have none of their own.

also: i don’t want to have to wear that ugly, man’s jacket. it’s just not fair to make us have to try to look like men.


What do motorcycle helmets have to do with riding?


What do motorcycle helmets have to do with riding?[/QUOT

about as much as what someone else brought up, child car seats, do…well, actually probably more because: helmets.


I’ll take a tail coat over an evening gown for riding any day :lol:


well, gotta admit, you do have a point there.


I would probably never have the opportunity to ride in a clinic with any of these riders but if I did I would not. I don’t want to support their business if this is where they think the sport should go.


I have three qualms with this. Basically just echoing in agreement of what others have said.

  1. Tradition for tradition’s sake is a horrific argument. Other things once considered “traditional”: dog fighting and female neck elongation. That’s not a logical argument.

  2. People in top hats look ridiculous. Who else wears top hats these days, besides clowns and magicians? I personally also think shadbellies look absurd, but at least they’re not a dangerous choice. Remember oversized suits and large shoulder pads from the 80’s? That’s you, top hat wearers.

  3. Rules are rules. Too bad. You can’t go into a ring with a bleeding horse and argue that you can’t be disqualified because “it’s your choice”.


In NH, where there wasn’t a helmet law for motorcycles, we used to call the folks who rode without one “organ donors”. Alas, falls from a horse aren’t usually as cut and dried as bike accidents. :frowning:

Maybe I’m just old and have had too many (helmet-wearing) Unfortunate Events, but I am just gob-smacked by “FEI riders” who think they’re too good to have a horse trip, or slip, or spook out from under them. Accidents happen.


Hey those people were doing a service. Organ donors save lives.

As for this petition, if only so many riders would be as passionate about their horse’s wellbeing as they are about their vanity maybe we wouldn’t have so much blantent abuse at the highest levels. I mean where are all these riders who when it comes to getting the FEI to crack down on rolkur (sorry, are we still calling it that or is it LDR now or some other code word)?


Did Courtney King-Dye sign it?

Suddenly the 80’s seem like a long time ago, but OMG the screaming about exactly that. You could probably pull hundreds of pages of angry letters from CoTH, do a global replacement of “hunter” with “dressage”, and reprint them; it would save everybody time and be equally as effective. The arguments sure sound the same.

PS: I’ve seen a “horse crossing ahead” highway sign (in a fairly fancy part of New York) that has the rider in the silhouette wearing a top hat. Still makes me giggle.


Exactly my thoughts. It takes and effort to start a movement like this. Maybe put your effort into something that actually matters like horse welfare.


Years ago I stopped caring if riders wore helmets. It’s their choice. But they get no sympathy from me if they sustain a head injury that could have been prevented by wearing a helmet. I do love the look of a shadbelly and a top hat.


I just hope the FEI doesn’t take this petition seriously. It shouldn’t be taken seriously, because it’s idiotic on its face. I’ve lost a lot of respect for those petition signers.


Totally their choice. Their choice to enter the shows too :smiley:

Which is a great point made in this thread. They don’t have to show, so they really should just pipe down and be thankful the governing body is doing whats best for the safety of riders.

Out of everything in the rule book THIS is what they petition over? Makes 0 sense. Beyond entitled and selfish.