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Trailering with Range Rover

One of the things my trailer guy emphasizes is that it’s not the ability to pull, but the ability to manage the trailer when things go south. I stack the deck in my favor as best I can…


Maybe the OP will get a Euro trailer? Boeckmann, EquiTrek, etc.? Otherwise a lighter weight American trailer with weight distributing bars and a brake controller are essential.


I agree with you. However, not everyone has a spare 30k around for a reliable pickup. So they stack the deck by driving with sense. Go the speed limit. Don’t abruptly do any steering maneuvers unless emergent. Keep an adequate following distance. Don’t drive when conditions are horrendous (excessive wind, snow, rain). Set the brakes to stop the truck to keep the rig straight. Etc.

It may not be ideal, but it works.

Again, no rig is immune to accidents.

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Agreed. Edited to add that’s why I posted up thread about my frightening experience w the Jeep. I didn’t want a pick up for my daily drive into town to work and couldn’t afford two vehicles. I still can’t so I drive my 250 everywhere😀.

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That is what I am running into. The hitch installation places I have counted don’t have anything compatible with a Range Rover. I have a feeling I will need work through the dealer

Lots of times the dealers, unless they have a really, really good service dept won’t know either. I asked the guys today and they remembered a Range Rover along with a few other “foreign” makes-Meredes and Toyota, for two, that are really tough to get in to. You have to almost dismantle the dashboard to get at the wiring to make the harness. I certainly can be done, just takes a lot longer than it should. It probably adds 150-200 to the cost of installation.

Dave McAdoo
Tobruk Trailers
since 1984

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I am pretty sure all the wiring is there, I took the cover off the bumper where a hitch would be…there is electrical plugs that are not connected to anything. But no receiver, just a hook

So, you can but…
check the loaded trailer tongue weight / I believe about 550 / 600 is Max on RR
weight distribution is not suggested because of the unibody frame - Check with RR
You will have to run the numbers for a loaded trailer to see if it works


Oh, but we have lol! And towing one large pony ha ha!

I have towed this 2 horse trailer with 1 horse in it with my Escalade. I’ve towed it for years with a 1500 and of course much preferred that, but the Escalade handled it well. I was only towing about 20km and on dry flat roads (max of 80km/hr). I wouldn’t want to do any longer hauls with it though. I would believe I would be pushed around for sure.

We use our Freightliner to haul our larger trailer, and when someone mentioned that they think any truck/trailer would be pushed around on the highways passing semis are wrong. We have towed many, many trailers (large and small, horse trailers, utility trailers, firetrucks, campers etc) and this one does not move at all. Not one sway, push or pull. But it is towing a 23,000lb trailer with 3 axels so not a light weight.

We have been pushed around towing anything lighter and with 2 axels though. The dually does help (we also have a 3500) but it was pushed around from time to time when we hauled our 18,000lb trailer with 2 axels.


Ha I love that rig!! Yeah, my Cummins SRW and 33’ trailer (2 axles, probably 12k loaded and 14k max - whole rig totals 51’ long) gets shoved around, so it’s not exclusive to the little trailers.

The rig is my husbands pride and joy, thats for sure (he’s put a lot of work into it - added so many lights its insane, chrome bumpers, metal polished, waxed, and is going to do an overhaul on the inside this year - new seats etc. He’s taken it and entered into car shows as well lol). Most men in their mid life crisis want a sports car, mine wanted a Freightliner ha ha!


Not to go off on a tangent, but that picture reminded me of a time I was at a derby and here comes this ginormous trailer with a semi hauling it. They get it parked after much jockeying in the less than huge parking area and out steps one, only one, medium pony! :smile: That’s dedication on the family’s part.


Ha ha! We have done that as well. Hooked up to our 52’ trailer and went to a line show. Pulled out our one medium yearling pony to show in 1 class and went home.

Hey, when you get the big truck and trailer, trust me, you want to use it whenever you can!! We have also used it to go camping with. You should see the looks and people we get around our trailer. Of course its the only one that says “Caution, Horses” on the back ramp and lots of people think we’ve brought our ponies with us lol!

I think the landrover is smaller and different from a range rover. That being said, depending on the size of the two horse bp I would still be leery of tongue weight and if it was truly safe. A small 2horse with no dressing room, maybe? I have pulled a steel 2 horse bp with dressing room and no brakes on the trailer itself from MI to TN, with a trailblazer that had a class 4 hitch n could tow 10,000lbs. Omg the sway… even with sway bars, never ever ever again!!! Now I have a 2014 jeep grand cherokee and unless I was towing locally, I think I would still rent or borrow a truck lol.

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How is this relevant /\ ?

Relevant because a Trailblazer is another short wheelbase vehicle said to be powerful enough to pull trailers. Not a good experience for her!


Goodhors said it before I saw this sorry. I was just saying ab suv for pulling trailers that are the same size can be scary especially on a big highway trip vs just going around town at lower speeds. Sorry :frowning:


Buy a Euro trailer like Equi-Trek that’s designed to be pulled by a large SUV. Easy. Everyone here does it. People tow in cars far smaller than a Range Rover. No F-250s, unless you’re mad enough to import a left hand drive one. But almost no one is.


Thanks for the input, after a couple of calls I decided to just go through the dealer to have everything installed. They sounded very confident, and have installed hitches for other horse owners. They are in very close proximity to a large horse area. Obviously I will not be doing long hauls in this rig and I will be well below the weight limit. Just looking to take my horse to the local paper chases and parks to trail ride. Buying a truck is just not in the cards now, spent the money on the horse, who due to a shoulder injury less then a year later will be serviceable sound at best. Spent a small fortune on surgery and rehab and a kind soul practically gave me the horse trailer as they we’re retiring and moving out of state. So just trying to make lemonade out of lemons, enjoy my horse and not think about my empty bank account :rofl:


The Range Rover is a larger model made by Land Rover. Hence the link to Land Rovers’s information on towing with a RANGE ROVER.

A 2016 Range Rover weighs 4918-5320 lbs
A 2020 F150 weighs 4069-5684 lbs