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Transporting Water Ideas Needed

having a garden hose laying on the ground for a thousand feet really is not a good idea. If the hose is 3/4 inch it will have about 23 gallons of water in it before fresh water exits

Garden hoses aren’t manufactured to deliver safe drinking water. In addition to bacteria, mold, and possibly the odd frog, the water from a garden hose typically contains the following toxic chemicals:

  • [lead]
  • antimony
  • [bromine]
  • organotin
  • [phthalates]
  • [BPA]

We have one hydrant that is at the top of the north pasture, it 500 feet out. We had a had a lawn sprinkler company (during their off season) buried a 1" sch 40 water line at about five inches with a drain and shut off on the south end. This hydrant is used to water the goats next door who do not have access to water (what their owner’s are thinking has me wondering)

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I can’t say about the woods, but my run is almost all downhill. It actually helps - most of the hose self-drains into the trough when I turn off the hydrant & disconnect.

I just looked up the “poly piping” I used - it’s polyethylene & potable grade, 3/4". Flexible so it follows the contours of the ground. But definitely a summer thing - it freezes up in the fall and we have to start hauling buckets until the horses & llamas get moved to their winter quarters up the hill, closer to the barn.

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